How to Create a Blog for Free and Make Money?

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How to Create a Blog

Do you want to start your own blog? Here is the complete guide to starting your blog for free. There is huge scope for the bloggers in the present generation. Every individual can start his own blog and publish his ideas on the internet. You can earn money through blogging by Google Adsense. In this article, you can know how to earn money through blogging. How to Create a Blog.
What is a blog?
A blog is an educational site distributed on the World Wide Web comprising of discrete, regularly casual journal-style content sections (posts). Posts are commonly shown backward sequential request, with the goal that the latest post shows up first, at the highest point of the website page.
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The requirements of the blog
Creating a blog is not complicated. In 20 minutes you can create your own blog. The only requirement for the blog is your passion and time.
You can create any kind of blog-like fashion, technology, sports, facts, etc. Make sure you have good knowledge of that topic.
Steps to create the blog
Blogger website.
Go to blogger website and create your account on this website. It is the best platform for beginners to start their career in blogging. It is for free. You can do the experiments on this site and you will get an idea on how to write a blog. I am suggesting only for the beginners. After becoming an expert in blogging you can start your paid blog websites where you will get more features.
Features of blogger website
- It is free for the blogger to use
- It is very easy to start your own
- It is safe and secure
- You can customize your own blog
Pick an appropriate domain name
After creating your account. Give a title to your blog and you should select your domain name. The domain name should be appropriate it should be relevant to your content. You may not get your expected domain name because as it is free it may be already used by others you should choose a unique domain name. Blogspot will give options to select your domain name for free and paid.
Hosting your blog provided by Blogspot for free. Hosting means to showup your blog on the internet for this you need to connect with the website. Other websites are providing free domain name but they are charging for hosting your domain.
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The domain name will be ended by because it is a free domain. If you don’t want Blogspot name in your domain then you will definitely have to pay for your domain name.
Select your template
Customization of the blog can be done by choosing the template. As shown in the picture you select the template as per your choice. Template can also be downloaded from the internet.
Make sure your template is relevant or suitable to your content and It should not disturb the readability of the users. While downloading the templates from the internet be careful there will be spam links in the template it will redirect to another website. It will affect your ranking on Google.
How to Create a Blog: Publish an article on your blog
After doing the above steps you have almost created your blog. Now just post your article or content on the blog. Make sure your content doesn’t have a spelling mistake. Use Grammarly or TrustMyPaper to avoid such mistakes. After publishing your article share the link with others so your blog will get more views.
You can also see the number of views for your post on the dashboard. Use targeted keywords in the content so that your blog will rank high.
How to Create a Blog: Tips to write an article
- Use H tags in the article and title should attractive so that user will be interested to see the whole article.
- The introduction should disclose the whole main concept of the article. So that the user gets to know about the concept of the article and start reading the whole article.
- Use targeted keywords in the article.
- Make sure your article doesn’t have spelling mistakes use Grammarly for avoiding spelling mistakes.
- Use two or three images in the content.
- At the end write about the author
- Share your article link to others and mention your article link in other blogs.
Now I will explain how to earn money through blogs
Google Adsense
Google AdSense provides a way for website owners to earn money from their online content. AdSense works by matching text and display ads to your site based on your content and visitors. The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products.
1.Signup in the Google Adsense
After publishing at least 10 articles and having more views then only your eligible for the Google Adsense.
2. AD unit
After signup in the Google Adsense. Follow the below steps
- Open my ads at the top of the page
- Click on the new Ad unit
Midsize ( If don’t where to place your ad select responsive size)
Ad type
After selecting the above steps to save the ad. You will code for the ad copy the copy and paste in your blog.
How to paste ad code?
- First, open setting in the blog
- Click on the layout
- See where you have a place to show ad
- Add new gadget there and select HTML/javascript
- Paste ad code there
By following the above steps you will get your ads visible in your blog. You will get money in Google Adsense account when your users clicked on the ads. You will also get money from views of ads but less money when compared to clicks.
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