New PVC Windows or Shutters? - Writers Evoke

New PVC Windows or Shutters?

A question that many of our clients have asked us… I want to improve the insulation of my home, new PVC windows or shutters?

If we think about the functions that any window must fulfill, the first thing that comes to mind is its function as an element that lets light into the home, one of the factors that is currently most valued when visiting a home.

However, there are other fundamental functions, such as its functions related to the insulation of the exterior in terms of temperature and noise. Thus, older windows tend to have a very low insulation capacity.

Faced with this situation, there is an option which is the installation of Australian plantation shutters. A shutter is an external element, which is placed as a door, which is added to the window, and which has a mission, in a way similar to that which blinds can have, that is, to protect the window, as well as to prevent the passage of light, and above all, improve the insulation of the house.

However, given the insulation problems, the installation of shutters is not a good solution, there are other possibilities that are much more effective.

Among the main drawbacks of the installation of shutters, we can mention the following:

  • On the one hand, they are usually actions that involve a considerable investment with respect to the results that are achieved.
  • In addition, it means multiplying cleaning and maintenance tasks. It involves adding one more element that needs the necessary care.
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Logically, given the insulation problems mentioned, and taking into account the drawbacks of shutters, we can say that it is a solution that has become outdated and obsolete. At this point, it can be said that the best option is the installation of new windows, which are designed in a suitable way so that they perfectly fulfill their insulation functions.

Having made the decision to install new windows, the next step is to select the type of windows you want, and above all, the material from which they are made. At this point, we will almost certainly have the doubt about whether to install aluminum windows, or upvc Windows Manchester.

Faced with this decision, more and more experts are recognizing and opting for PVC for the design of windows, since there are numerous tests that prove that PVC has greater insulation capacity, both acoustic and thermal. This is in addition to other important advantages that make PVC an ideal material.

New PVC windows or shutters? Advantages of PVC windows:

  • PVC does not produce any type of condensation, as it does in the case of aluminum, which produces a high sensation of cold when touched.
  • As mentioned, it has a great insulating capacity. In this regard, it is estimated, due to various studies carried out, that PVC has an insulation capacity that is 3 times that of aluminum.
  • PVC also has great resistance to cold and air, ensuring its durability, which is also essential.
  • Various colors can be used, making it easy to use in different environments.
  • Its maintenance is very easy. It is only necessary to wash it with water and a little soap, without being damaged by it.
  • The flexibility of PVC makes it a material capable of being part of multiple types of designs.
  • Visually, PVC turns out to be a highly attractive material.
  • Finally, it is also important to highlight PVC, its unbeatable environmental performance. It is recyclable, which adds to the low energy consumption required during its production.
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With all these advantages, the suitability of PVC as a material for the construction of windows that perfectly fulfill the functions that are required is proven.

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