How Long Do Gaming Laptops Last? 6 Signs Yours Is Too Old to Keep up

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Because of the pandemic, there’s been a surge in laptop sales. People realized how valuable laptops are since working/learning from home, which is now the new normal. Along with tablets and powerful smartphones, these are now a staple in every household today.
Even those who already have a laptop are considering an upgrade since they use it more often than ever nowadays. Do you think that you should upgrade yours, too? Deciding now is important since you never know when it’ll be more difficult to get laptops again.
To help you decide, read what we have below. We’ve listed the signs telling you that you’re due for an upgrade. Read on to know if your gaming laptop is too old to keep up now!
1. It Can’t Keep up With the Latest Games
How long do gaming laptops last? No matter how good your gaming laptop is, there will come a time where it’s time for you to say goodbye to it. This is often when they can’t run the latest games in the market anymore.
It’s a sign that your laptop’s specs can’t meet the game’s smallest requirements. You can tell this is the case when the game crashes as soon as you launch it.
What can also happen is that you’re able to run the game, but it minimizes and displays your home screen instead when you do so. This means that your device can’t support the game’s demand for display.
Upgrading your laptop is the best choice if you want to enjoy the latest games. This is especially true if you consider that games will only become more demanding as time passes. What’s great is that you can still upgrade your laptop by replacing key components like your graphics card and such.
However, it’s much harder for you to upgrade your laptop this way. Even if you’ve had experience doing this with a PC, you’ll notice that laptops are much more delicate. Some laptops don’t even allow you to remove some of their parts to replace.
You’ll need to hire a specialist as you may risk more damage to your device. There’s no guarantee that the components you add won’t damage the laptop in the long run, too. With this in mind, it’s better to buy a new one instead.
2. Slow Response Time and Lag
There are instances where you’re able to install and run a modern game on your old laptop. Don’t expect to have a wonderful experience while playing it, though. You may find yourself disappointed when you experience lag, even when playing on the game’s single-player mode.
This is what we refer to as hardware lag. This tells you that your drives aren’t enough to ensure the game runs smooth. Your device will do it’s best to run the program, but it can’t process it well enough to keep up with the performance demand of the game.
This is why it’ll stutter as you play through the game. A quick fix can be changing the graphics settings in the game to prioritize performance. Certain things like shadows, bloom, and ambient occlusion have an impact on how well the game runs on your device.
Even with the graphical downgrade, you can still face problems. While it may run smoother, you may experience a delay with your button inputs. This slow response time can be because your device has not enough RAM.
Upgrading your RAM can cost you a lot. Considering that other parts of your laptop may also fail, buying a new one is still the best option. Consider looking for gaming laptop deals to help you save some money in your investment.
3. Slow Start-Up Time
Another way you can tell if your laptop is too old is by powering it up. Watch how long it takes for it to do all your processes before you can use it. If it takes too long for you, then it may be time to upgrade to a new device.