Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test | The Wonderlic Test Is the U.K.'s

The Wonderlic Test Is the U.K.’s Most Popularity Test – What Is It?

Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

 Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

The famous Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test was created back in 1936 and was one of the first tests designed to determine a person’s overall cognitive ability. It measures learning and problem-solving aptitude and is frequently used for college admissions, employee screening, and team-making evaluation. 

The test is the world’s first short-form cognitive ability test and has a long history of being used for job screening. In World War 2, the United States Navy used the Wonderlic test to select pilots while the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys began using the test to forecast player performance. 

Your score is based on the number of correct answers during a fixed timeframe which is usually 50 multiple choice questions in 12 minutes. The highest possible score for the test is 50, the lowest possible score is 0, and the average test score is 20. Different professions have higher standards compared to others. While a cashier might be expected to score 21 – a pharmacist will be expected to score 31 or above. 

The Wonderlic test is the UK’s most popular test for employers and people seeking to get a strong measure of their cognitive ability. It can be a challenging test for people because there are 50 questions in 12 minutes. That means each question should be answered in less than 15 seconds! If you take the test you should expect subjects including:

  • Logic
  • Word Problems
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • General Facts

Only 3% of Wonderlic test takers complete the test within the allotted time. Yikes! This is reason enough to take time out to practice and gain your best possible score. You don’t want to lose out on a position or placement because of an entrance exam. That would be a huge loss and difficult to explain to friends and family. 

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So – if you’re planning to take the test soon: take a Wonderlic practice course that has been designed by psychometric experts. Make sure that you utilize a comprehensive test prep pack that is loaded with essentials that will maximize your score. Any Wonderlic practice course should include the following:

  • Multiple full-length Wonderlic-style exams
  • A balance of 50-question 12-minute practice tests, and shorter 30-question 8-minute practice tests
  • A diagnostic test to help you identify weaknesses and capitalize on strengths 
  • Practice drills in subjects including number series, logical reasoning, language competencies, patterns, and graph reasoning
  • A detailed Wonderlic study guide with text and video-based tutorials that contain insights, tips, and techniques to help you complete the test faster and increase your chances of success
  • Immediate access to your scores, and suggestions on how to improve them

With so many university courses and employers utilizing the test, it’s a no-brainer to prepare as much as possible. You should have a well-rounded amount of practice that covers all your bases. There are four different types of Wonderlic tests that you can practice in order to maximize your chance of success. These include:

  • Cognitive Ability:  Measures your capabilities pertaining to solving problems and learning.
  • Skill: Measuring an applicant’s skill in specific areas such as Maths or English.
  • Behavioral Liability: Gaging a person’s potential to engage in counterproductive or even unethical behaviors. These tests measure traits such as neuroticism, agreeability, and conscientiousness.
  • Personality: Measuring an applicant’s emotional intensity, recognition motivation, sensitivity, assertiveness, intuition, and trust.
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Whichever type of Wonderlic test you take – there are general bits of sage advice that we go by! Learn about the test you’re taking, the type of questions asked, the skills tested, and the score you need to get in the program or job you have applied for. 

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Remember to answer as many questions as you can as no points will be deducted for giving the wrong answers. An effective way of ensuring you pass this test is to answer as many questions as possible. Don’t spend too much time trying to solve a puzzle. If the question is too challenging, skip it and come back to it later when you get time.

Consider using a Wonderlic test preparation course. This is simply the most effective way to get your ideal score. Practice using a thoroughly comprehensive test prep pack with Wonderlic style questions that resemble those asked in the real test. Ensure that there is a detailed guide, which contains tips and insights and is designed by the most experienced psychometric experts to help you ace the test and start building your career.

At the end of the day – practice makes perfect and the more preparation the better. Give it some time and effort and you’ll get a great score. Good luck on your exam!

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