Benefits of Prepping Your Car For a Wash | Hidden Benefits of a Clean Car

Benefits of Prepping Your Car For a Wash

Benefits of Prepping Your Car

Benefits of Prepping Your Car

Auto detailing keeps your car looking great, but if you don’t take care to prep your car before you wash it, you could damage the paint job. Before you put any water on your car, you should use one of the best car dusters to remove dust to avoid small scratches. Once you’ve wiped off the dust, rinse the car off with water. This gets the loose grime off the car, which means you aren’t pushing the dirt around on the car.

Ensuring Your Paint Is Protected

Prepping your car before washing protects the paint job. Use a high-quality automotive soap, not a dishwashing liquid. Look for spots on your car, such as sap or oil. Remove these problems before washing to prevent spreading the substance around. Use straight lines to wash the car, not a circular motion. Rinse your car as you wash with fresh water. This prevents the soap from drying on the car, which can damage the paint job and make it look as if you didn’t wash it. Use a microfiber cloth to dry the car. Paper towels or cloth rags may leave small scratches. You might notice damage to your paint job right away, but over time, it will erode the paint. Drying your car prevents water spots, which mars the paint job. Click here to now more about car wash wollongong.

Ensuring You Get That Deep Clean

Prepping your car before a wash ensures that you get all the dirt off the car, not just the surface. Waxing your car covers small scratches and blemishes and protects it against dirt, pollution and dust. You should wax the car every three months or at a minimum, twice a year. Waxing too often can cause buildup, making your car look cloudy. Although you can go up to four years without waxing your car, it’s better to take care of the paint job than to have to completely update the car after going without cleaning.

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Clean the Interior and the Exterior

When you clean the exterior of your car, pay attention to the inside. Empty the trash out of the car every week. Vacuum the interior every week or two. Take the floor mats out and wipe them down. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the dash, seats, doors and mirrors. It’s easier to keep your car clean when you do it often, rather than wait until it’s overwhelming. Detail the interior of the car more thoroughly every three to four months.

Use the Right Products

Choose microfiber cloths or a natural sponge that make plenty of suds while washing your car. Know how to clean a car duster. Use your car duster to brush off the leaves and dust that can get on the car. Hosing off your car may seem simpler, but you should always dry your car off after a wash to prevent the minerals from the water building up on the exterior paint job. Keeping up with your car’s cleaning needs helps retain its resale value and makes for a more comfortable ride. Shop for car cleaning products with Cal Car Cover.

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