Is It Legal to Use a Signature Stamp?

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Every unique person has many facets that make them who they are. Goals, interests, dreams, personality types, and more are just a few of the things that round out an individual. That’s why it’s a little strange to consider how much of a person’s identity can be conveyed in their signature.
Whether it’s being put on a tax document or a housing lease, each person’s signature is one-of-a-kind. However, Signature Stamps can make the process of signing much easier so that you can focus on the other things that make you who you are. Read on to learn about these stamps and whether or not they’re legal.
What Is a Signature Stamp?
Signature stamps are rubber stamps that are custom-ordered with your signature on them. You can simply pat them on an ink pad like any other stamp and press them onto the signature line of documents. This is much faster and easier than needing to take a pen and manually sign every piece of paper that comes through your door.
You likely have seen these stamps used on direct mail that has arrived at your home or office. Many authors also use signature stamps to send out signed copies of their books. It looks just like a signature but is obviously stamped on because all of them are completely uniform.
Is Using a Signature Ink Stamp Legal?
There’s a lot of confusion out there about whether or not using a custom signature stamp for business documents is legal. However, the answer is generally favorable. Signature stamps are legal in the vast majority of situations assuming that they’re both authorized and used by the person whose signature is being stamped onto the document.
In some states, specific protocols and regulations are required for the use of signature stamps. Local areas occasionally require witnesses to watch the signature stamping for specific documents that need notarization. This is the case in both North and South Carolina.
Other states such as California and Arizona only allow for the use of signature stamps on notarized documents if the person who would otherwise be signing is unable to do so for health reasons. This may mean muscular issues, broken bones, and diseases that make use of an arm extremely painful such as a carpal tunnel.
When Are These Tools a Good Idea?
Signature rubber stamps are always a good idea for less-official documents. If you need to sign something and send it out to consumers that have used your business’ services, for example, you can always use a stamp. This is also the case for many company documents that are being sent to corporate executives assuming that signature stamps aren’t against company policy.
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However, to sign tax documents and medical forms, you might want to stick to manually signing your name. You don’t want to find yourself a party to a lawsuit because of a legal gray area.
Get Creative
Now that you know when it’s legal to use a signature stamp for documents, it’s time to learn more about writing, creativity, and business. Check out the ‘tools’ tab on our home page to learn more innovative ways that you can save time while expressing yourself. Our webpage is the perfect hub for those who do a lot of writing for work or for leisure, so start browsing to better your skills!