How To Write A Listing That Sells?

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Write A Listing That Sells

Write A Listing That Sells, needs pleasing two parties; your consumers and Amazon itself. Amazon is a platform where buyers come with one mission in their minds, that is, to buy what they came looking for. Research shows, consumers that have already made up their minds come straight to Amazon instead of window shopping through other search engines.
What does that tell us as a Seller? We need to optimize our listings according to their needs and Amazon’s guidelines. They both go hand in hand. Laying it out for the customers in the most concise, informative, relevant and decision making terms is what is responsible for check-ins and sales. Your customers must not dismiss your listing because you made the mistakes that drove them away. Connectedly, Amazon will help promote and up rank only those listings that play their part in being the best.
Amazon continues to grow every day, rapidly, right in front of eyes it is morphing from a selling giant to an unbeatable titan. Write A Listing That Sells. Which begs the original question: How would you write the listings that help you not only survive but thrive in this cutthroat business that will forget about you if you are not the best of the bests?
Writing a listing for Amazon entails five important tasks. I’ll be discussing four of them in detail since the last one is pretty self-explanatory.
I am here to warn you of the many common mistakes which sellers make, inevitably pulling down their rankings as well making a serious dent on sales. That makes neither make you happy nor Amazon.
Discussed below, are the Dos and the Don’ts.
Before you sit smugly with the unnecessary and self-proclaimed adjectives in your title, a phrase like “Bestselling and Unique blah” take a step down and put yourself in the shoes of the customer. From a customer’s POV, have you fooled yourself? Or are you now more confused about your product and what is it exactly?
The purpose of any title in a listing should be, so your product is easily found by the consumers and they are tempted to buy yours, even though there are several listed right nearby.
In that light, a seller should never make the mistake of keyword-stuffing just so you rank higher on a search. You have heard “quality over quantity”? Yes, time to apply that.
Write all of your title words with every first letter uppercase, avoid any special characters and make sure your title does not exceed more than 200 characters. Write A Listing That Sells. Take away the ornamental decorations and keep it relevant with a single keyword, the brand name, model numbers and product description (material, size, color & quantity).
Bullet Points
I’ll once again emphasize on not going overboard with unnecessary details to cheat organic ranking. You may get the visibility that way but satisfying customers with relevant details is what makes them stick to you. Some sellers both over-explain and include unnecessary details and some leave the bullet points unattended altogether. Which one would you pick as a consumer to help you make a choice?
The one that goes on and on about for a long paragraph in each point or the one that leaves everything to your imagination? None. What you need is a nice balance between both that highlights the product key features for consumers concisely, so they can make a quick and informed decision.
Not only you can serve the consumers with your facts and figures, but you can also benefit yourself by using Amazon optimization techniques and optimize your listing to the maximum with the usage of keywords.
This section is strictly informational and not promotional. Make sure you are not using any enticement of coupons, discounts, free shipping or pricing details.
Keep it limited to Product (name, use, or intent), dimensions in precise detail, any special features, benefits, upgrades, material, color, contents or ingredients.
You may also optimize the listing of bullet points by targeting a specific audience and use. For example; “Perfect for gifting your loved ones on Christmas holiday”. So especially the ones that are looking for immediate present purchase, may be easily directed to your page.
Product Description
Not every seller bothers with a product description, but you should. A listing with all five optimized components will make sure to grab the attention of a buyer.
How? Visit any random page and judge their product. You are likely to put in your trust in something that is detail-oriented and does not shy away from giving complete transparency to viewers. Write A Listing That Sells. The more you know about it the more doubts will lift off.
While writing literature about your product, try not to sound so repetitive. Do not just copy what you wrote in your key-feature bullets but bring out something more. Bring authenticity and originality to your description. Show your audience a new angle they have not considered before. May it be regarding use, comfort or accessibility. Take your pick.
This does not mean you have to omit all the key features from your description. It simply means you need to make sure they blend well with the description and does not solely rely on the features and facts because then what is the purpose of the bullet points?
It’s no mystery that without a good picture your listing is incomplete and in danger. Online, it is not the product that is sold, it is the photograph you are selling. Make it high quality, attractive and accurate.
The standard rule on amazon is to use a white background with a high resolution that is zoom accessible for further inspection and satisfaction of the customers. Pixels must be 1000 x 500 or larger.
Your photographs give your consumers your first impression. Since a picture speaks a thousand words, make it worthwhile.
There is no hard and fast rule that you hire a professional photographer, if you cannot, grab your high-resolution iPhone and snap away some quality photos to edit later with a professional working application, but only if you are confident enough.
Amazon listing optimization allows you to incorporate the ideal keywords into your product listing which needs all the help they can get to make more conversion rate, a higher organic ranking, and inevitably more sales. Follow the above guidelines to maximize listing optimization to ensure your sales. Write A Listing That Sells
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