22 Innovative Techniques To Get 10,000 Traffic Per Day

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Best Strategies to get 10,000 Traffic Per Day

Getting high traffic in 2019 organically sounds quite hard. It is next to impossible to fetch enough traffic using the same old traditional techniques. We all are aware that traffic is the king for lead generation. But the question arises why few websites are always on the first page of Google? Why some of the sites have overwhelming traffic while others rarely have traffic. The answer lies in this blog, let’s perform actions and use the best strategies to get 10,000 traffic per day. Innovative Techniques To Get 10,000 Traffic Per Day.
Put one thing in your mind very clearly that it needs efforts and by chance, if at any point of time you feel disheartened, just look at its benefits
- Great marketing opportunities
- Brand awareness
- Brand Identity
- Huge Profits
Bottom line is had patience and trust me, over a time span you will have sufficient traffic if you follow the following techniques consistently. Now we will give you a brief idea about 22 ways which can generate more traffic Step by step.
Guest Posting-
Guest posting is publishing our own article or blog to someone’s website. Guest posting considered as a big source of traffic generator. If we do guest-posting regularly then we can definitely hit our targeted traffic.
How to Do Guest Posting-
- Find guest posting sites in google ad management by just typing ” KEYWORD’ + GUEST POSTING, here u can find a list of guest-posting site in your niche. Forex then you can find a list of guest posting sites in your niche.
- Measure their DA – Use Smallseotools.com and find the DA & PA of the guest posting sites.
- Write A good unique Content – Unique and plagiarism free content can be selected for high DA guest posting sites. Always write unique content for guest-posting approval.
- Then simply mail guest blog owners or just post according to their terms and condition.
Tada !! Now you are done. Wait for 2-3 days for approval through your mail.
Key Points:
- Always find guest posting sites in your Niche
- 30+ DA Sites are best for guest posting
- write content according to their term & condition
- You can also choose a paid guest posting site for instant approval.
Optimize Your Content With LSI Keywords:
f you want that your content ranks high in Google search then use LSI keywords as helpers. Latent semantic indexing makes the content more relevant. Use more LSI keywords in addition to primary keywords in the description.
How to Use Latent Semantic Indexing
- Search for your keyword in the search engine, you will see many suffixes that pop up.
- Add these LSI with your primary keyword in your description.
- You can also use tools to find the most significant LSI, for instance, LSI keyword generator, Google trends, Ultimate keyword hunter, Niche laboratory.
- Pick the best LSI which goes with your content and add them to your content.

You are all set to get a good ranking for your content!
Key Points –
- Embed LSI keywords to your metadata.
- Do not use more than 2 LSI with a primary keyword.
Go On Podcasts
When we use the Internet to broadcast digital recordings which are available for downloading is Podcasting. It can be used for digital marketing and for generating traffic as well. Research reveals that many people are lately driving large traffic from the podcast. If you are not sure about launching your own podcast, you can find people who allow podcasting to others.
How to go with Podcasting?

- Make a script that is highly informative and relevant to your niche.
- Simultaneously find a podcast host that offers to the podcast, for instance, Libsyn.
- To record a podcast, you must be requiring a good quality microphone (Blue Nessie), high-quality recording software and editing audio files ( Audacity).
- You should find a professional cover for your podcast, for example, Fiverr.com
Launch your podcast on iTunes
- Remove back noise, if any.
- Use high-quality equipment.
Reduce Your Bounce Rate
Bounce rate can be defined as the percentage of people who visit your website but leave it without giving it a second thought.

How To Reduce Bounce Rate
- Make a highly responsive website with a user-friendly interface.
- Improve the web site’s speed by incorporating a CDN.
- Optimize the landing page by using Pingdom and Google Page Speed.
- Use short paragraphs in your content and make it informative but precise.
- 2. Use engaging and actionable words.
- Make sure your blog follows a pattern and please avoid writing blogs with long introductions. Your visitors would just run away.
Note– Don’t use large images and put content on them, it’s a blunder.

Publish Viral Content
Viral content in simple terms means when your content spreads quickly across various social media handles and is being shared on various social media platforms enormously.

How to write Viral Content
- Chose a genre on which you have a good hold.
- Study the pattern about the similar genre on BuzzSummo, Marketo or BuzzFeed.
- Pick a very alluring heading/topic.
- Write your content in an interactive manner and don’t forget to add some amusement.
- Use awe-struck graphics and images.

Keynotes –
- Pictographic content is easy to understand and grasp.
- Make content entertaining and informative.
- Add knowledge elements to your content.
Drive Traffic To Your Website From Forums
Forums are online discussion sites where people converse over numerous topics. The forums are the gateways to traffic if utilized wisely.
How To Use Forums?
- Firstly, you need to identify forums that are similar to your business or requirements.
- The next step is to join them, it is advisable to join 2-3 forums simultaneously.
- Select your username very carefully. Your username should give some idea about your business and should be precise & decent.
- Create a detailed profile with relevant links and contact information.
- Always remember to put your signature, this is the key to get huge traffic out of the forum.
Keynotes –
- Post often and appreciate the work done by others.
- Initiate new threads to get into good bonds with the followers.
- Be precise but add quality content to comment section.
Appealing Headlines
The most significant part of any content whether it’s a blog/article/ website content, headline decides if the viewer will read it further or not. It is recommended that you craft your headline very wisely. It should be ‘DICP’; descriptive, informative, creative and precise.
How To write Appealing Headlines
- Research is the key to writing an appealing headline.
- Use tools that score your headlines, like Sharethrough or BlogPost Headline Analyzer.
- Create SEO optimized headings which are easily ranked higher with Google with Charcounter.

Segmented marketing means when you bifurcate your target into subcategories depending on various indices, such as gender, location, purchase interest and much more.
A person that feels special in a community will get more connected for obvious reasons. Create a sense of belongingness by sending Emails by name and greet them with voice notes or videos, they will feel special.
How To Do Segmented E-Mail Marketing
- Identify your prospects and analyze their interests.
- Segment them according to their age, gender, income, occupation, and location.
- Study their requirements and write your emails accordingly to hit them rightly.

- To get an idea, you can visit – Zillow, Rocksbox.
- Give personalized recommendations.
Remember the days when we use to do all our summer vacation work beforehand because we were promised that we will get a treat or a trip to our favorite amusement park. It is not about childhood, everybody gets excited if something is offered on completion of some task.
How To Conduct Contests And Giveaways
- Define your aim for a giveaway and set a budget.
- Chose a relevant prize within the budget that is useful.
- Promote your contest wholeheartedly and energetically.
- Choose a winner fairly and let your audience know why you chose them.
- Flaunt it on your website and other social media handles
- Give top 10 followers some coupons or discounts, this will help you to engage the traffic much more.
Create Google Business Listing
It is a list that reveals most of the information about your company on Google. To boost your local presence, Google’s business listing service is incomparable in serving the goal. It offers the feature of finding your business on Google maps and gives a platform to customers to give their feedback. If you are offering quality service, good reviews will make your business rise many folds.
How To Do Google Business Listing
- Go to Google My Business and enter the details
- Select your business type from the list or add, if you are unable to find the relevant one.
- Wait for verification, a postcard with a verification PIN is delivered to the mentioned address.
- Give your confirmation with the PIN that you received.

Keynote –
Searches on Google business listing is directly proportional to the traffic, it has been observed natives like to purchase products or services from a local businessman more often.
Create Engaging Content
Time is precious, and if a person is choosing your blog or article, it clearly indicates that you have a responsibility that you deliver something worth their time. A randomly created blog or a copied article will ruin everything forever so make sure you do prior research in-depth and create a very clear blog post.
How To Write Engaging Content
- Include 3W’s and 1H – How, Where, When, Why.
- Create content that has a blend of text, infographics, graphics, and videos.
- Add sub-headings and bulletins.
- Give facts and figures.
- Write content that is plagiarism-free.
- Use tools such as Content Idea Generator, AnswerthePublic, Google trends to write about the most searched niche.

Use Quora as a traffic generator platform
Who does not know about Quora; is an American website where anybody can ask questions and answer them. But the game changes how you are using it?
How To Use Quora For Traffic Generation?
- Create an account on quora by giving your details.
- Make a detailed profile, write about your interests and hobbies as well.
- Find the category which best suits your interest.
- Write answers which are useful, relevant and informative.
- Appreciate the answers given by others by giving thumbs up and make personal bonding with fellow mates
You can at times give reference to your website and can create genuine traffic.
Note: Don’t do spamming or share your website’s, blogs link which is irrelevant
Give importance to readers and search engines:
I strongly advocate the fact that ‘ what is in demand, sells fast’.
Keynotes –
- While starting up a business or writing a blog, article, do a prior search about the need of the viewers.
- Secondly, analyze the patterns of search engines to get high traffic.
Live Streaming
Live Streaming allows you to broadcast your live video online in real-time, and people can react to it there and then. I believe, ‘innovation is the secret key to success’, people mostly get glued to live videos. While everybody is publishing content, you opt a more creative platform simultaneously and you will surely have a high inclination in your traffic.
Let’s learn, How To Do Live Streaming
- Make a script or make a strategy about your live streaming beforehand so that you don’t create a mess.
- See the live streaming of fellow business companies, take notes and ensure you do better than them.
- Make a profile on Google Plus and you can use Google Hangouts on Air for live streaming to promote your business.
- You can use Vimeo for streaming, it is very user-friendly and allows you to go live from all your social media handles embedded on your site.

Keynotes –
- Direct communication with your customers generates immense trust.
- You can increase your reach effectively in very less time period.
- One of the most cost-effective method.
Promote Blog Posts and Videos on Quuu
45,375,310 + social media shares are what Quuu has to offer. It is simple and worth, all you have to do is to submit your blog that is plagiarism-free and let the magic happen.
How To Promote Your Content On Quuu
- Make a great copy which is plagiarism-free, innovative and worth sharing.
- Select a topic about which you have sufficient knowledge and interest.
- Create an engaging format of your content with appealing headlines.
- Submit your content and Quuu team will generate a URL for your content if it gets selected.
Interlink Your Posts
Imagine you are reading a novel, if it’s page is not well connected with the upcoming page, you will start losing interest. Similarly, if your blogs or articles are on different topics every time you post, it will cause chaos. Make sure you create an interlink just like a roadmap, people will re-visit your website time and again.
How To Use Infographics
The pictorial and graphical representation of data can be termed as infographics. It is very precise and appealing to human’s sensory system. The best technique to attract viewers is by using infographics. It works amazing for topics that have comparison, differences, time. Once you are done with the process, publicize it on Visual.ly and daily infographic.
- Collect relevant information about a particular topic.
- To make an infographic you can use Canva or Picktochart.
- Pick a template according to your data.
- Add your logo and share.
Keynotes –
- It is a creative method to engage your audience.
- Go for quality and promote your infographic.
- Give information in a very persuasive manner.
LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn has active 303 million monthly users and around 40% of total users visit it regularly. Just imagine what all you have been losing all this time. Simple posts are boring, go beyond simple long posts, post interesting videos made by you.
How To Use LinkedIn As Traffic Generator?
- Complete the company’s LinkedIn profile, provide URL and other relevant details.
- Make your content afresh and follow a schedule while posting.
- Target groups for high engagement.
- Ask for recommendations to make your profile interactive.

Keynotes –
- Use descriptive captions.
- Use trending Hashtags.
- Add questions and bullet points in your content.
Upgradation of old blogs
Technology is ever-changing, it is always good to make relevant changes to the blogs that were published a year or two.
How To Upgrade Old Blogs?
- Eliminate the points that are not in use at present.
- Add a few recent technologies and re-submit.
- Add podcasts or videos.
If you feel that you are losing your old viewers, you should adopt the strategy of re-targeting. Retargeting in simple words means you are targeting traffic indirectly from a platform that has good traffic.
How To Do Retargeting?
Make a request to place your ad on the platform that can be helpful to you for getting traffic.
Hara – Haro is one of the most leading platforms of reporters source. We can generate PR -and BackLink through this.
Add Appealing Content To Your Social Media Posts
A very common mistake that we have been committing is posting our social media posts without adding any content to the post. This makes our viewers clueless and people who have great interest or are very curious in particular will open it and read it till the end. Best Strategies to get 10,000 Traffic Per Day. Check out the 19 Best LinkedIn Marketing Agencies for 2021
- A brief description will not leave viewers clueless and it will help to keep them engaged.
- REDDIT SUBMISSIONS – How one can afford to miss Reddit when it is one the most reputable business platform where people get all the relevant information about things they are curious about.
- You should concentrate on writing content that has more and more upvotes.
- Search for subreddits with your target audience.
- Don’t add hyperlinks to your content.
I hope you will thank me when you will get the desired traffic by applying these Best Strategies to get 10,000 Traffic Per Day. Feel free to ask any doubts or queries.