What Causes a Magnolia Tree to Lose Its Leaves?

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Magnolia Tree to Lose Its Leaves

There are few tree more beautiful than the magnolia. Its beauty is often featured in songs and poems, and it has even been used in several movie titles. Like any plant, its health and beauty can be affected by a variety of predators and other threats though. So if your magnolia is dropping leaves or is looking unwell then these tips should help you keep it in tip-top shape. Magnolia Tree to Lose Its Leaves
What Causes a Magnolia Tree to Lose Its Leaves?
Magnolia trees tend to drop their leaves throughout the year, so leaves yellowing and falling off the tree may not be a sign that there is a problem. If those missing leaves are not getting replaced by new leaf growth then it’s time to worry. Like any plant, magnolia trees can encounter a variety of health issues that can cause part or all of them to die off.
Making sure you have a regular tree trimming and watering program in place will ensure a healthier tree for longer. Here’s a few other things to consider.
How do you know when a magnolia tree is dying?
Generally if parts of the tree are dying off and not being replaced with new growth then you have a problem. Spots of nasty looking discoloration, uneven growth, and visible scales or other predatory insects are also signs that you may need to take action to maintain the health of your tree.
Should I fertilize my magnolia tree?
Magnolias will benefit from a nitrogen-rich fertilizer but you should be careful in how you apply it. The tree’s roots tend to grow near the surface so too much fertilizer can harm them. Apply the fertilizer evenly across the surface around the plant and give it time to be absorbed by the soil and roots before applying more. If the soil is compacted then you may want to aerate it first to create some holes in the surface that the fertilizer can work its way into.
For deciduous tree varieties fertilize in late fall after the leaves have dropped. For evergreen varieties fertilize several weeks before winter sets in fully to give the roots time to absorb and store the fertilizer in a way they will be able to make use of when spring comes.
Is trimming a magnolia good for its health?
Adult magnolia trees generally don’t need trimming unless they have grown in an unhealthy fashion. If your tree is overgrown with small flowers and too many bare branches then give it a trim back right after it blooms in spring or summer. Remove all the dead and unhealthy branches. Remove any that are interfering with each other by crossing or rubbing together. Remove any that look like they are growing in an unnatural way that doesn’t fit the look of the plant. Use clean, sharp shears, remove the branches past the branch collar, and don’t remove more than a third of the plant.
Young magnolias can be trimmed as they grow to shape them in a healthy fashion. Use the same advice for trimming them as for adult trees, and don’t overdo it. The more you cut a tree the more chance you have of introducing disease.
What if a magnolia’s leaves have black spots?
Black spots are usually a sign of a fungal or insect infestation. Scales and other insect pests can attack the plant and cause it to develop unhealthy looking symptoms. Examine the plant and do some research to identify the type of insect that is attacking it. You may be able to introduce some otherwise benign insect predators that will take care of the pest for you, or you may need to use an appropriate insecticide. Leaf blights, sooty mold, and leaf spot diseases are some other problems you may encounter. If the problem seems to be contained to the leaves then try trimming off and carefully disposing of any affected leaves to see if this fixes the issue. For more serious conditions you should talk to a professional tree surgeon to see what the problem is and what can be done about it.
What if the leaves turn yellow?
As mentioned, leaves turning yellow is a normal thing for a magnolia. If you suspect that there is a problem then the level of soil acidity may be something to investigate. Get yourself a soil ph tester from your local garden supplies store and follow the instructions that came with it to test your soil. Magnolias tend to like soil that is neutral to slightly acidic, so if the test shows the soil to be too alkaline then you may have an issue. If the tree is young enough to make it viable then shifting it to a location that is better suited to it might be worth considering.
You can also raise the acidity of the soil by adding a layer of sphagnum peat an inch or two thick to the topsoil around the plant, or by watering it with a mix of two tablespoons of vinegar in a gallon of water until the soil ph adjusts to where you need it to be.
Other sources of yellowing leaves would be the wrong amount of water or a nutrient deficiency. Make sure that the ground around the plant is well watered but not waterlogged and is allowed to dry out between watering to let the roots breath. If necessary get a soil test done and see if you need to fertilize with a specific mixture of nutrients that the soil is lacking.
With a bit of careful attention your magnolia will keep its beauty and well-being for many years to come. Falling leaves are not always a sign that there is a problem but by staying on the lookout for serious issues you can prevent diseases, infestations, and unhealthy conditions before they permanently harm the tree. The more you know about the issues that can damage your tree’s health, the more able you are to deal with them.
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