What Are The Best Productivity Hacks? | Time Management Apps

What Are The Best Productivity Hacks?

Best Productivity Hacks

Best Productivity Hacks


Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of an individual, group, or organization in converting inputs into useful outputs. Best Productivity Hacks.

Our attention spans have taken a hit. If we can’t focus properly then we won’t be able to finish important tasks on time. This all eventually leads to a decrease in productivity. 

As a whole, our productivity is decreasing day-by-day. Most of it is due to the distractions we face in our daily life. Among these distractions, the internet is the biggest one. Just a simple review of the latest movie can lead you down a rabbit hole of various issues ranging from song choice to mental illness. 

The internet is easily available on our mobile phones. Even if a connection is not available, it still contains numerous offline apps that can easily divert your attention for hours. This means that we essentially carry around a pocket-sized distraction with us at all times. 

In this article, we’re going to provide you with some productivity hacks. 

Productivity Hacks: Take breaks after every 25 to 30 minutes

Recent research shows that taking 5-minute breaks after every 25 to 30 minutes of constant work increases productivity. How? It allows you to recharge and refresh your mind. 

As our attention span is decreasing, many find it difficult to focus for a long time. Look into the Pomodoro Technique and see if implementing it helps you become more productive. 

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Productivity Hacks: Set a timer 

Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to start working. When that happens, set a timer for 2 to 5 minutes. Convince yourself that you will at least work till that amount of time. 

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Chances are that once you start working, you’ll still continue even after the minutes are up. 

Productivity Hacks: Take advantage of travel time

If you use local transport to travel to and from work, don’t waste your commute time by surfing the net or going through your social media feed. Use it efficiently by reading a self-help book or taking a power nap. Just make sure that you productively use this precious time. 

Follow only relevant pages on social media

The internet is like a black hole. It will suck all of your time and you won’t even realize where it went. This is especially true regarding Business Communication Platforms and sites. Unfollow everyone on social media. Only follow those who are relevant to you. You’ll likely save hundreds of hours this way. 

Write down the tasks you’re going to work on

Before starting your work, note down all the activities that you want to do. It’s very easy to get sidetracked so this will remind you of your real objectives. At the end of the day, you can look back and see how many tasks you were able to accomplish. 

Productivity Hacks: Use a time tracker

Get time management apps. Use it to track your tasks, assignments, meetings, etc. Some people work best under pressure. When put in a race against time, their creative juices start running and work gets done in a short period of time. 

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