Top 10 Technology Inventions That Changed IT World
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Top 10 Technology Inventions That Changed The IT World

technology inventions that changed the IT world

Technology Inventions That Changed IT World

As we don’t have any time machine or similar to it, to go back and find the most important inventions in the past. But it is possible with the aid of digital technology to get each and every information on the internet. The space of innovative ideas and technologies has been so hectic in recent years. Here are the top 10 technology inventions that changed the IT world.

All sorts of things come on the market in different variations from useful on a personal level to universal. So, it is hard to imagine which innovations have the greatest impact on society as well as on business organizations.
Some products are immediately applicable, some technologies are still experimental but promise a lot.

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Wifi Router

Since the emergence of the Wi-Fi router in 2000, we cannot live without it. According to a Wi-Fi Alliance poll, 75% of American youth say they will give up coffee sooner than Wi-Fi. Nowadays it has become very essential in everyone’s life.

Kindle E-Readers

E-Readers have been part of the game for a while. But when the Kindle E-Reader was unveiled in 2007, the digital book scene transformed from underground to mainstream. The coolest thing about this is that it is possible to access the e-book store. Even Oprah Winfrey loves her Kindle: “I’m not a gadget person at all, but I’ve fallen in love with this thing.”

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Originating in Japan and Finland in the 70s, mobile phones are the most used gadget in the world. The first billion sets of aircraft were sold within twenty years, the second load of billion sets was sold in four years, and the third billion sets of sets were sold in two years. Nowadays the mobile phone is more than a telephone and can be seen as a pocket-sized computer. In 1999 the Dutch population looked at the mobile phone differently.

Apple iPhone X

iPhone X is an ideal example. With a screen that reaches the edges, a processor optimized to handle augmented reality, and a camera smart enough to allow users to log in with their faces. Samsung and LG also jump in full on the cart. However, in order to support the new technologies, Apple sacrificed the familiar Home key and the plug for the headphones were removed earlier. Their vision is that sticking to old features because they were practical can only lead to failure.

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Ember Mug

Everyone with a coffee addiction knows how important it is that you have a warm cup of coffee in front of you. Not too hot, not too cold. The CEO of Ember Technologies came to the conclusion that you can enjoy the perfect temperature for a cup of coffee for only 37 seconds. The bag is already for sale at various American Starbucks stores and costs around 67 euros (or 79.95 dollars).


Humanoid robots. Personal robots such as Google Home and Amazon Echo are clever examples of technology, but Jibo goes one step further. Where Home and Echo are still stationary and only emit Jumbo light to converse with you, Jibo is extremely personal. The company that brought it to the market has already come a long way for the little Jibo and expects a lot of growth in its capacities. That is also allowed for 745 euros (or 899 dollars).

ThyssenKrupp MULTI

With MULTI they brought a lift system to the market that not only goes up and down but can also move in other directions. For this system, they throw the traditional pulley system in the trash and opt for magnetic levitation, which is also used for high-speed trains. The new system ensures that several lifts can move simultaneously through the same shafts in multiple directions. The first MULTI construction is planned for 2021 in Berlin.

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Tesla Model 3

Electric cars are often or too expensive or too limited in their capacities or options. The Tesla Model 3 would already be available from 29,000 euros (or 35,000 dollars) and could cover around 320 kilometers in one charge. The demand for the new model is therefore high. So high that Tesla cannot keep up with production. They receive around 1,800 applications per day.

eSight 3

People with visual impairment usually fall back on guide sticks and/or guide dogs. A big help, but it doesn’t give them back their sight. eSight 3 tries to do this. They try to be the world’s most powerful glasses with the help of HD video, the use of magnification effects, contrast and their own complex algorithm that adjusts images so that people with a visual impairment can still see them.

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Adidas Futurecraft 4D

Adidas invested in a shoe that lets you run faster, run better and jump higher. How? They designed a shoe whose midsole can be fully adapted to the needs of the owner. Not only in size and shape, but also in terms of flexibility, impact type, shock-absorbing material, and more through the 3D printing process. This technology allows Adidas to adjust every square millimeter of the midsole to give the wearer optimum performance.

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Mounika Devi

Mounika Devi Naidu is a digital marketing executive with a handful of experience in reaching the stars with her innovative tactics. She has a flair for presentation, a knack for social media and a way for digital marketing. Succeeded in online advertising campaigns that produced tremendous media buzz and built an influential online reputation for many substantial brands. Always up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing. She also crafts top-notch content that comes within her to solve the queries and assists the brands to scale up. Her blogging skills are just banged on to enthusiastic digital marketing learners.

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