Tried And Tested Oral Health Tips That Will Make You Smile Brighter - Writers Evoke

Tried And Tested Oral Health Tips That Will Make You Smile Brighter

Healthy teeth require a lifetime of care and protection. Hearing someone say that you have perfect teeth will boost your confidence like nothing else. But perfect-looking teeth don’t mean perfectly healthy teeth. Even if your teeth look perfect you can have cavities, tooth sensitivity, and enamel degradation. All these might not affect aesthetics initially but can cause severe pain and discomfort making you need to see the best dentists in Karachi.

The first and the most important step in maintaining oral care is to maintain oral hygiene. Just like you use special products for your hair and skin it is important to use special products for your skin too. But even more important than the expensive teeth care products are simple lifestyle tips that can ensure maximum oral health.

Oral Health Tips

Never Skimp On Brushing Teeth

Going to bed without brushing your teeth is the worst thing you can do to your teeth. The food you ate will stay in your mouth all night harboring bacteria and causing the production of acids that harm the teeth enamel. Not brushing teeth at least twice a day can lead to cavities and other major problems. Brushing teeth also helps get rid of the plaque on your teeth. If this plaque is not removed regularly, your teeth will turn yellow.

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Clean Your Tongue

Orla hygiene is not limited to teeth only. The smell you notice even after brushing your teeth might be coming from your tongue. Yes, your tongue can be dirty too. Although there are no hidden areas for food to hide there, the smooth surface can be dirty too.

Gently brush your tongue with your brush. Some brushes have special tongue cleaners at the back.

Make Flossing A Must

People who brush regularly think that they do not need anything else for their oral hygiene. But flossing is almost as important as brushing. Flossing does not only remove the food particles from your teeth it mainly stimulates gums, lowers inflammation, and removes plaque from the teeth.

You should floss once a day to see the results you want.

Use Mouthwash

Your toothbrush can not reach a lot of sudden parts of your mouth. For those hidden parts you will need a mouthwash. Advertisements make mouthwash seem like a fancy alternative to brushing, but keep in mind that it should be used along with regular brushing. It reduces the amount of acid in the mouth, cleans hard-to-brush areas in and around the gums, and re-mineralizes the teeth.

If you think that you can not stop the liquid from entering your throat it’s better to avoid it. There are special washes available for sensitive teeth and older adults and children too.

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Take fluoride

If there is one ingredient that can ensure good oral health, it is fluoride. The best part is that fluoride is easily available in most tooth care products and even in your tap water. Fluoride fights the germs that might lead to tooth decay and provides a protective barrier to your teeth.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Much like rinsing your mouth, drinking water can give your mouth a well-deserved cleanse. Drinking water with every meal can help in washing out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods. Water can be your oral hygiene savior in between brushes.

Avoid Using Straws and Feeders

If you are an adult avoid using straws and giving your little one’s feeder. Both of these cause you to keep the liquid for a longer time in the mouth harboring bacteria in it. The bacteria cause the production of acids that can lead to the damage of teeth.

Don’t Obsess Over Teeth Whitening

Keep in mind that the natural color of your teeth is yellow. trying everything and anything to whiten your teeth will cause harm. Excessive teeth whitening, be it through whitening toothpaste or Over-the-counter whitening treatments can erode the enamel of your teeth. This leads to tooth sensitivity which can cause unbearable pain at times.

If you want to go for teeth whitening the best way is to consult the best dentists in Lahore and let the professionals handle your case.

Don’t Miss Your Visits To The Dentist

No matter how much you take care of your teeth on your own, you will always need a dentist to rely on. Visiting the dentist often will lead to better oral care, early diagnosis, and better treatment. So if you have been skimping on your dentists’ appointment, it is best to book an appointment with the best dentists through

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