Top Five Signs of Wintertime Dehydration - Writers Evoke

Top Five Signs of Wintertime Dehydration

Signs of Wintertime Dehydration
Signs of Wintertime Dehydration

Dehydration is often associated with summer and warm weather. This is because, during this period, there is a considerable level of heat with the body sending a regular thirst response. As a result of this, a lot of people do not know much about wintertime dehydration. As a matter of fact, it is easier to become dehydrated in the wintertime, because the thirst response of your body is greatly reduced due to the cold air. Dehydration in the wintertime can cause issues like hypothermia and frostbite. This is why it is important to know the signs of wintertime dehydration. This article will highlight the top five signs of wintertime dehydration. 

Five Signs of Wintertime Dehydration 

Wind chill, cooler temperatures, and dry air are factors that aid dehydration during the cold months. Our body responds to the wind chill by heating up the body temperature, therefore using up one or two liters of water in the process. This is the way in which dehydration occurs in the wintertime. Below are five signs that you are dehydrated in wintertime.

  • Dry Mouth and Swollen Tongue: When your mouth and throat feel dry and uncomfortable in the wintertime, it is a telling sign that you are dehydrated. In such cases, it is best to take enough water. Your tongue might also feel like it is bigger than your mouth, this is because it is swollen as a result of your dehydration. Be sure to drink filtered water in the case of dry mouth or/and swollen tongue.
  • Fatigue: Tiredness, sluggishness, and general fatigue are other signs of wintertime dehydration. This is because blood pressure and blood flow usually drop whenever you are dehydrated. This hinders muscle and nerves functionality, as it causes them to burn out. If you notice that you get tired easily during winter, you should try to increase your water intake.
  • Increased Heart Rate: Dehydration can cause serious troubles in the body, and it doesn’t matter if it is summer or winter. Dehydration can result in heart issues such as heart spasms and palpitations. 
  • Dizziness: Dizziness can also be a sign of wintertime dehydration. If you feel faint or dizzy after standing quickly, then you might be suffering from chronic dehydration.  This condition is known as orthostatic hypotension, and it is important to drink water as soon as possible.
  • Concentrated Urine: Concentrated urine is a sign of wintertime dehydration, as it shows that your kidney is trying to store water. This typically results in dark yellowish urine.
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Staying Hydrated In Wintertime

It is important to take liquids in order to stay hydrated in wintertime. Whether hot or cold, having fluids in your body goes a long way in ensuring that your body functions optimally. While tea or coffee are not bad options, it is essential to minimize their intake as they can act as diuretics. Overall, it is crucial to consume clean and clear water, which is why you must get water filters in Melbourne to purify your water.

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