What are the Top 10 Best Trading App In India 2023
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What are the Top 10 Best Trading Apps In India Android and iOS

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Best Trading Apps In India Android and iOS

Best Trading App In IndiaBest Trading App In India

Every online brokerage firm is running pillar to post to launch the Best Trading Apps In India for Android and iOS for their online trading platform.

Of late, Mobile trading has grown over 100% in India due to an increasing number of beginners having started using the apps before getting into real trading.

Looking at the scenario and growing demand for trading apps, fund management companies also geared up towards launching their own flagship apps.

As a result, the online market has been flooded with the best trading apps for Android and iOS from the leading players of the momentum stocks market. Now we have apps that let us buy stocks for free.

We have decided to allude briefly to the major front-running apps in this discussion. We will begin with the Zerodha Kite app followed by other leading and best trading apps in India.

There is not much to talk about the brokerage charges as by and large it appears to be in equilibrium and not much change is envisaged in the current market scenario.

The only difference that can usher in more investors to loop in is the service that a brokerage firm extends. One of the major discerning factors that will entail footfalls on your website is mobile apps.

The more prudent your mobile application is, the larger crowd can be fetched on your website.

There are certain technical aspects that need to be matched at the optimum level when launching a running mobile app.

We would allude briefly to the mobile application features for a seamless functioning and experience.

First and foremost is the application compatibility with all major mobile operating systems.

It is imperative for your mobile application to cover all strata of investors and the mobile phones that they are holding.

It should be compatible with android, IoS, and other operating systems to see widespread coverage of your mobile app.

The second would be the size and the number of Apps that are being launched. Simplicity here is the key. Many app designers start from the wrong premise that more features would entail more users.

This is an absolute misnomer. You need to provide what your customer wants, nothing more, and nothing less. Simple to use apps are statistically more popular than a complex designs.

It would encompass all types of customers ranging from uneducated to semi-educated to well educate users.

Thirdly, you need to be able to deploy a DevOps methodology to upgrade your app. This simply means constant integration and constant deployment.

Starting from launching a beta version to the final one, you should heavily and constantly take feedback from the users and upgrade your apps.

Last but not least is the support that you offer to your users and your support should be lightning fast.

Any time you get users’ responses of issues faced by them, leave all jobs on shelves and get going about troubleshooting and resolving in the shortest possible time.

This will induce your users to hang on with or app or else they will switch to another better performing app that offers better support.

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In a nutshell:

  • Speed
  • Performance
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Features
  • Usability

All the above factors go miles to keep your app alive and kicking.

Time to circle back to our original point of discussion: the best online trading apps in India. In due process, we will also branch out to a useful and more pertinent discussion on the best stock trading app for beginners in India.

Top 10 Best Trading Apps In India for iOS and Android

1. Zerodha KITE: Online Trading Mobile App

Best Trading Apps

In the mad rush of trading app launching, Zerodha emerged as one of the front-running campaigners with their flagship app KITE among fierce competition.

To get the app, you need to simply go to the play store and install the app on your mobile. Open an account by registering your email id.

The opening screen list shows the shares suggested by the app. You can delete or add stocks as per your choice on the list.

To buy a share, you need to have the balance in your Demat account that can be accessed within the app. Click on add funds and you will see the fund added to your Demat account.

Zerodha Kite is hailed because of the simplicity that it offers. It is uncluttered and easy to navigate and understand.

Zerodha understands that to be in competition and lead it, mobile technology and a compatible simplified app is the key.

Its minimalistic interface restricts strictly to what the user is looking for. It does not clutter the screen with what the users never use or rarely use.

This keeps the user focused on what he/she is aiming at, “trading” without any uncalled for distraction.

The app is thin (Lightweight) and not resource hungry. Remember data is expensive, so cost is a great advantage. 

Zerodha comes with the unique advantage of brokerage free investment charges, provided you do not buy & sell the stock on the same day.

One disadvantage which may turn out to be a major one if not resolved on a war footing is the chart loading lag. It irritates a user.

So let’s check the features for Zerodha Kite to qualify for the category of the best stock trading app for beginners in India:

Advantages of Zerodha Kite Trading App

  • Universal search tool enablinAs a result, the online market has been flooded with trading apps from the leading players of the Indian stock market. Now we have apps that let us buy stocks for free.g users to find simple and complex stocks
  • Ability to apply over 100 technical indicators on real-time charts
  • The trade from the chart feature of the app enables the user to directly trade from charts
  • You can set unlimited price alerts for instant updates
  • You can create an unlimited number of personalized watchlists
  • Past 10 years historic data

2. 5paisa Online Trading App

Next is another major player in the Indian stock market and its 5paisa app. 5paisa trading app is owned by 5 paisa discount brokers. It has a lower charge than it competitors, 10p/executed order.

This is one of the rare apps which offer the unique feature of guest login. I personally quite like this feature.

You can avoid giving all your personal details to check the app, end up getting unsolicited emails, calls, and messages from the service provider.

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Let’s check if it qualifies to be a beginner’s trading App
  1. App has an easy Demat opening feature for beginners within the app
  2. Similar to ET markets, it provides constant real-time live updates and quotes from NSE and BSE
  3. Auto investor feature help build fully developed and personalize mutual fund investment portfolio
  4. Leveraging easy screening tool with 5 paise free account you can invest in top mutual funds 

Disadvantages of 5 paisa app

  1. The app is resource hungry and calls for high-speed internet to load charts, Beginners with low-speed internet might have difficulty
  2. 15 minutes candles are missing in action

3. Upstox pro app – Best Trading App In India

Probably the second-best leading player in the market has a very heavy feature-loaded app guided by the principle that more features would fetch more users.

Advantages of Upstox Pro app which are very similar to Zerodha Kite app include:


Universal search tool enabling users to find simple and complex stocks

One great advantage here is charts available of multiple intervals and multiple types and drawing styles

Ability to apply over 100 technical indicators on real-time charts

Leveraging Trade from Chart (TFC) feature, an user to directly trade from charts

You can set unlimited price alerts for instant updates

You can create an unlimited number of personalized watchlists

Past 10 years historic data

Disadvantages? Well…

  1. The heavy app loaded with features that you may not use frequently
  2. Linked bank account details cannot be checked
  3. Backoffice app unavailable
  4. Navigation from one menu to another is tricky
  5. Not quite recommended for beginners, more for experienced campaigners of stock markets

4. Angel Broking – Best Trading Apps In India

A most experienced campaigner with over 30+ years of experience and presence, one of the first to enter the Indian market.

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Angel Broking

It offers a gamut of services to users ranging from insurance, mutual funds, brokerage and almost all financial instruments to Indian investors.

Brokerage charges are relatively high considering the cash-starved Indian market.

Advantages that Angel broking offers include:

  1. You can view multiple Index with prices that are real-time
  2. Get streaming Market watch
  3. Get live updates on top gainers and losers
  4. Get Intraday Chart News
  5. Enable user to create personalized device watchlists
  6. It allows you to access 10 transactions for the ledger, 
  7. DP and fund reports using a feature directly from within the app
  8. You can transfer funds and securities from a single place
  9. Time for disadvantages that include:
  10. User Interface is a bit dull, unappealing, and uninteresting
  11. Heavy app as operator attempted to load it with as many features as it could, resulting in a size of more than 22 MB which is huge 
  12. Charts and Price update lagging

5. Jiffy Trading App in India

Trading App

The nimble and fast mobile trading app. Jiffy is built on the premise of speed of execution and ease of trading. Jiffy is backed by Choice Broking, a financial services conglomerate. Jiffy is a user-centric app and the team actively incorporates users suggestions into latest versions. Choice Broking offers attractive Demat account offers with Jiffy like, Zero account opening fee, Trade at 2 paisa, upto 25X margin, free first year AMC and other such.

Jiffy features include

  • Stocks, Options, ETF’s and tracking all-in-one
  • Mutli-language operation Hindi – Gujarati – Marathi and Malayalam
  • Dedicated IPO section with UPI integration
  • Preferences section to set your trading style upfront
  • Real-time streaming quotes, trade calls, market scanners, news and charts
  • GTC (Good till cancelled) and GTD (Good till date) orders
  • Set Price Alerts for trading opportunities
  • Exhaustive Research Reports and trading calls

These and much more. Jiffy is a “Complete Trading / Investment App” for modern traders and investors with a beautiful, user-friendly interface as well.

6. Edelweiss Online Trading App

One of the highly-rated apps, it is easy to use installation and features from one of the most reputed advisories of stocks. Best Trading Apps In India.

Advantages include:

  1. It has brokerage plans that support both categories of investors and traders. 
  2. It has a great online and offline presence with more than 4300 sub-brokers spread across the length and breadth of the country. 
  3. It has an app that is compatible with all platforms of mobile devices.
  4. Deals in Equity, Derivatives, Currency, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and IPOs
  5. Offers free call and trade facilities

Disadvantages include

  1. The heavy app, more than 37 MB, with feature loaded
  2. Relatively high brokerage
  3. High Account opening and AMC charges
  4. Unavailability of 3-1 Demat account
  5. Lacking in knowledgeable and helpful customer support

7. Stoxkart Online Stock Trading App

They identify themselves as no profit brokerage. However, the stoxkart is yet to position itself among the top players. 


Beyond the brokerage plans & charges, the client is looking for value in the app.

It comes with two mobile trading apps known as Stoxkart Classic and Stoxkart Pro.

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Features of Stoxkart Classic include:

  • Research-based top analysts’ recommendations
  • Thematic options of investments
  • Online options of investments of mutual funds
  • Goal-based Investments decisions
  • App with basic design and user interface
  • Limited features not suitable for expert and experienced traders and investors
  • OTP related issues faced

While the Stoxkart Classic is for beginners, Stoxkart Pro aims at targeting expert investors and traders. Best Trading Apps In India.

Features of Stoxkart Pro include:

  • Placement of order placement is pretty quick
  • Chart types are limited but overall market analysis experience is reasonably good
  • Real-time feed for market indices
  • Deals in Equity, derivatives, currency, commodity among others
  • A good number of data available for detailed market analysis
  • It requires a large amount of data

Advantages of Stoxkart Pro include:

  1. Low Brokerage
  2. Brokerage charge only with the profit of the client
  3. Customer education offered
  4. Disadvantages
  5. Not a very sophisticated mobile app
  6. Not a service to talk overwhelmingly
  7. The average quality of offerings

8. Astha Trade Wave Stock Trading App

Asthatrade Wave mobile app currently supports trading in equity and F&O. Best Trading Apps In India. They are planning to come up with commodity and currency trading options as well.

Features of Astha Trading App

  • Marketwatch enables a user to create personalized Marketwatch lists. You can add/delete new scrips.
  • Screeners help find new hot stocks such as volume shockers, gainers/losers of the day, 52-week high/low breakers, most archived stocks, etc.
  • The Portfolio has three options: current positions (square off your positions), holdings (delivery positions visible here), and cash (transfer funds to your account and vice versa). 

Features of Asthatrade Wave app:

  • Interactive Trading Platform with better Customer orientation
  • User-friendly App
  • Good rating
  • Constant upgrade
  • Secure
  • Real-time information
  • Customizable
  • Simplified and quick Book Order process

9. Trade Smart Stock Trading App

Trade Smart Online has come up with a trading app called Sine. You can trade in Equity, Commodity, Currency, and Derivatives. Leveraging advanced technology to offer a trading platform that is location-independent. Best Trading Apps In India.

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Mobile Trading App SINE

Sine supports all segments such as equity, derivatives, commodity, and currency.

The app is loaded with features such as

  1. Market Scanners
  2. Market Analytics
  3. Market Watch
  4. Buy/Sell
  5. Index Watch
  6. Holdings, Positions
  8. Charts
  9. Order History
  10. Account details

10 key features of the mobile app are:

  1. Place Buy/Sell orders in Cash, Commodities, Currency Derivatives, Futures and Options
  2. Create Market Watch to monitor desired stocks
  3. Advanced charts with the facility to directly place orders from the chart
  4. Bracket Order and Cover Order to stop loss and secure profits
  5. Scanners to identify trading opportunities
  6. Live Quotes
  7. Order history, holdings, and positions to give you a complete view of your portfolio
  8. Instant fund transfer from 28 banks
  9. After Market Orders to place orders at your convenient time
  10. Options Chain and Option calculators

SINE App does not have features that include

  • Vertical Chart 
  • Back Testing
  • Bulk Orders

10. ANT Mobi – Alice Blue Mobile Trading App

ANT Mobi is a cutting-edge mobile trading app by Alice Blue.

The app consists of features such as,
  • Real-time market data
  • Market and investment analysis with easy-to-follow tools
  • Easy and simplified orders placement involving a few taps
  • Evaluate the portfolio and useful news feeds

ANT Mobi offers an extremely stable, Best Trading Apps In India. secure and fast mobile trading platform

Features of ANT Mobi include:

  • Enable in-depth market analytics, stocks, and other trading instruments
  • Orders that can be executed from the app are regular Buy& Sell, Cover Order and After Market Orders
  • Enables a user to view Order History, Trades, and Positions report.
  • Enables to view Demat Holdings and Accounts within the app
  • Within app Fund Transfer to and from multiple banks
  • Notification options available including real-time price alerts
  • Enabled users to set an unlimited number of price alerts for instant updates.

Features that are not included in the App include:

  • Real-time expert advisory
  • Back Test
  • Scanner
  • Pattern Finder
  • Historic data available for one year

11. Samco StockNote Online Trading app

StockNote is SAMCO’s flagship online trading and investment app powered by Giga Trading Engine.

StockNote is SAMCO

StockNote is a trading app that provides built-in news & stock analysis. 

Features like easy buying and selling of stocks and F&O contracts in Equity, Commodity, and Currency market are available for a trader. 

User can set Price Alerts that allows you to set alerts when a stock reaches a particular price. 

Users can take actions or start trading based on these alerts. Best Trading Apps In India. Other than that, investors can set alerts based on Price, Volume or Change. The time for alert can be set from 1 day to 6 months.

Another key feature of the app is its Charting tools of the StockNote app. Verity of charts with over 100 types of indicators or tools is available for technical and investment analysis.

Guest User feature is another great feature for people to explore the StockNote App before becoming the customer of SAMCO.

StockNotes is on-the-go trading available for Android and iOS mobiles.

Unique features of StockNotes include:

  • One app for trading in equity, currency, and commodity
  • Real-time financial news who have just logged in
  • Enable to create the guest user for checking the app without being a customer to evaluate the app
  • Technical analysis and fundamental analysis of stocks
  • Stock Watchlists with derivative contracts, and commodity prices.
  • Streaming quotes
  • Financial Charts
  • In-app Demat Holdings
  • Widgets for the homepage
  • Orders types supported by the app include:
  • Market orders, 
  • Limit Orders, 
  • Stop-loss limit/market orders, 
  • GTD orders and After Market Orders
  • Place cover orders with a limit price and market price
  • Instant fund transfer from within the app

Disadvantages of StockNotes include:

  • Back-office is not integrated into this app
  • Excessive focus is given to news then trading app
  • Banks available for fund transfer are limited in numbers
  • Slowness observed during peak trading hours

Why StockNotes is an App for Beginners?

  • Very easy for beginners in stock trading
  • Simple stock market analysis
  • Personalized notifications and news alerts
  • Real-time order assistance
  • Interactive Charts
  • Trade directly from the newsfeed
  • Track market trends
  • Pay just Rs 20 per trade brokerage
  • Margin products are available in the app.
  • Online fund transfer (Pay-in and Pay-out)
  • Place all kind of trading order including off-market orders
  • Check margin and available funds for trading
  • All trades or activities on mobile apps are synced with other trading platforms.

Mobile apps are catching up these days more than ever before. Every operator now realizes that most of its customers are on mobile on the go.

No time to access a desktop or laptop, as decisions for investments to be made fast. 

Here, time is money and missing opportunity will cause bigger losses. Best Trading Apps In India. Hence, no wonder, realizing the above, most tech-savvy and non-tech savvy operators are leaning towards providing the best of the class apps to its investors and users. 

They know that investors are becoming increasingly more technology-dependent. So times are not far that you get to experience world-class lean and crisp apps that are just around the corner. lean and crisp apps which is just around the corner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Best trading apps in India

Q1. What is the Best Trading Apps In India?

The Trading app is a technology-driven software application program that is tailor-made and customized with interface and data points to enable beginner and expert investors to execute their trade requirements over the stock exchange.

Q2. Why use a Best Trading Apps In India?

Investors are turning more and more towards online trading options, and since the prices can change any moment, they want to capitalize on every price change on the go. Hence, 90% of the trade happens using a mobile phone and a compatible trading app that supports all the features of a stock market trading while easy to understand and operate.

Q3. What are the features of the Best Trading Apps In India?

The features that the best trading apps in India would be able to deliver are as follows:

  • Speed
  • Performance
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Features
  • Usability

Q4. Which is the best trading apps in India?

The top trading apps used in India are:

  • Zerodha kite app
  • Upstox pro app
  • 5paisa app
  • Angel broking app
  • Edelweiss app
  • Stoxkart app
  • Astha trading app
  • Trade smart online app
  • Alice blue online app
  • Samco app

Q5. How to choose best trading apps in India?

You can download an app of your choice from the play store or ioS store. You can check the features of the mobile trading app as a guest or after registering. Watch application videos, read the related materials. Understand the features thoroughly and see if it fits the bill based on your trading requirement, Check the compatibility with your systems, read user reviews and decide which app you would like to go for your online trading.

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