Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy | How to Protect Your Eyes?

Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

With the advent of technology, our exposure to blue screens and screen time on the number of devices has increased significantly. The busy lifestyle and overdependence on smartphones have made people take their eyesight for granted. Gift of sight is incredibly precious and not protecting it with proper care can result in vision impairment and worse, complete loss of eyesight. Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

However, the good news is that this is completely preventable. All you need to do is follow a disciplined routine to keep your eyesight healthy and your vision sharp. Here are some of the things you can include in your lifestyle to ensure healthy eyes. 

Get your eyes tested regularly

Just like any other health check-up, eye examination too is very important. Getting your eyes tested regularly will not only reveal eyesight problems but also changes in overall health such as high blood pressure as well as diabetes. Did you know that certain conditions like glaucoma may not even show any symptoms leading to complete loss of vision? This is the reason you should get regular eye examination at least once in every two years. 

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Only wear prescribed glasses

Many people falsely believe that wearing your glasses for long can make your eyes weak and your eyesight worse. Vision problems often develop due to age, with or without spectacles. In fact, wearing corrective lenses will only keep your eyes functioning smoothly, improve your eyesight, and put less pressure on your eyes. However, make sure that you get your prescribed spectacles from only the Best Opticians In Nairobi. Do not compromise on the quality of your glasses just to save a few extra bucks! 

Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, then you must consider quitting it immediately. Smokers have an increased risk of developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), among other things. It doesn’t matter if you have smoked for too long. It may not be too late to quit now and mitigate the risks. 

Consume a healthy diet

By maintaining a healthy diet, you can overcome the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other such conditions that have a direct impact on your eyesight. Moreover, some vegetables like carrots are a powerhouse of beta-carotene as well as vitamin A that are known to be good for your vision. Eating raw and colorful vegetables is a great way to keep your eyesight healthy.

Take natural supplements

Dry eyes are a common problem these days caused due to excessive use of computer and smartphone screens. So rather than depending on medicines for fixing dry eyes, you can consider natural supplements such as flaxseed and primrose oil that work wonders on your eyesight. You can also talk to your doctor to recommend some natural remedies to keep your eyes healthy. 

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Always wear sunglasses when outdoors

UV rays are one of the biggest enemies of your eyesight. They are also responsible for diseases like cataract and ARMD. This is the reason you should always wear sunglasses when you are stepping out in the sun. A good pair of sunglasses will protect your vision from harmful UV rays. 

Talk about eyesight problems, if any

If you are struggling with eye irritation caused due to allergies or inflammation, then don’t overlook this discomfort as a stray incident. Allowing the problem to persist can cause more damage that could have been prevented with an early diagnose. So if you notice vision problems and irritation, then bring to your doctor’s attention immediately and seek medical care. 

Educate yourself about the family history

Some eye conditions occur in families genetically. Be it long/short-sightedness or something even as serious as glaucoma. Since your optometrist will always ask you about your family history, it is always better to educate and equip yourself with this information. 

Take breaks in between work

When you are working long hours in front of your computer or you are looking into your smartphone/tablets for long durations, then your eye muscles may experience weariness that can cause headaches or fatigue. So give your eyes a break after hour or so. Look far into the distance from your office window or balcony to make your eye muscles stronger. 

Prevention is always better than cure

If you witness symptoms like eye pain, visual distortion, blurred eyesight, or flashing lights, then these warning signs that should not be ignored. If your eye problem is detected in time, then it can be fixed without causing long-lasting damage. So make an appointment with your eye doctor immediately and discuss your symptoms. 

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These are some easy and important tips that can work wonders in keeping your eyes healthy and vision sharp. Make your eyesight a priority if you want to enjoy the gift of sight for years to come!

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