Tips for sharpening the spelling skills of your children - Writers Evoke

Tips for sharpening the spelling skills of your children

Everything is at the tip of our fingers nowadays, we are so used to rushing everything around us that a typo usually appears in our emails or texts most of the time and sometimes it’s worse, autocorrect corrects your typo into something inappropriate. It happens to the best of us. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the time Cameron Dallas was so excited to go to pairs instead of Paris or Harry Styles making an epic typo but still being able to sound deep.

Teaching children the importance of spelling will build the basic foundation of their education and the rest of their lives ahead. If you don’t teach your children the importance of spelling early on, you’ll end up the spelling for grade 11 children since they never learned how to but it is still not late since you can find multiple dictation words for class 11 online that will help them out and teach them.

Here are some things you can do to help sharpen up the spelling skills of your children:

Make writing fun

Let your child go crazy and explore his fantasies when they are writing. Don’t try to help them over and over again unless they ask for help. Children learn from their mistakes so, in order to learn anything, give your child a safe space to make mistakes. You can use the words they misspelt and tell them to write a story using that word next time they write.

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Letter writing

Make it a tradition in your family to write letters to family members or friends living in a different country every now and then. This will not only be a fun activity for your children but will warm the hearts of those to receive the letters and bonus it will also improve your child’s spelling skills tremendously.

Spelling quizzes

If there is an upcoming school SpellQuiz and your child can hardly get half of the list memorized, you can help them by keeping weekly spell quizzes at your house with unfamiliar words every week and no pressure (since school is enough pressure for everyone). This will help them memorize words quicker and more efficiently.

Word meaning and pronunciations

Before your child spells any words, make them pronounce them. If a child mispronounces a word, I can grantee you; they will misspell it as well. Break longer words down and make it easier for your child. Teach them the meaning of the word they’re trying to learn as well, since it will develop a sense of similarity the next time they need to spell that word.

Make it fun

If you have children of your own you know a child will never do something that isn’t entertaining o fun to them. Spelling can be boring, but it is on you as a parent to make it fun for your child. Associate a small dance step of hand gesture for each letter of the alphabet and when your child is spelling a word out, they can dance accordingly and make the complete experience of spelling fun and engaging.

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Let the children take over

Let your child play the teacher at times as well and teach you things they’ve recently learned in school or even online. Misspell a word on purpose in front of them and let them correct you (only try this with words they know how to spell). Make them spell check a line you’ve written and add an incorrect word and let them mark it and write the correct spelling instead. This is a sneaky way of making your child think they’re teaching when they’re actually learning.


With technology taking over everything nowadays, there really isn’t a need to do anything manually. There are so many apps out there that sharpen spelling skills but are portrayed as a game. There was this game I came across recently. There is a block of random words and you have to create as many words as possible from the wood block. There was also one where you have to help a wizard cast a spell but for some spellings in his spell are not correct so you need to correct them in order for the spell to work.

Word swatters

Give your child one or two random words and hand them a book or a magazine and ask them to point out or ‘swat’ whenever they see that word. This activity will not only help to identify spelling, it also helps with reading skills.

Don’t make education boring for your children; even if they keep think learning is boring at school. Change this perspective at home. Keep them engaged in learning and make the entire process of learning fun and entertaining. Keep in mind every child’s different and every child learns differently as well. Educations isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Test out different ways and see what your child likes and continue that.

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