Tips to Using Abrasive Cleaning Processes

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Needless to mention that abrasive blast cleaning is a surface preparation method of using abrasive particles that are forced by compressed air or water jet. At a high-velocity rate, the particles impact the surface while producing the effects of cleaning, roughening, and activation.
Abrasive cleaning methods are useful in industries for cleaning component surfaces after the removal of material and preparing for subsequent treatments like adhesives and coating processes. Abrasive cleaning processes are helpful to roughen different subsurfaces and also remove any contaminants. These cleaning methods are more suitable for rust and paint removal in particular. Abrasive processes can also function well to fine-sand workpieces between different coating application processes.
Helpful Tips
If you apply an abrasive cleaning product on the wrong surface, the resulting damage may prove difficult to undo–and in most cases impossible. So as not to fall into the mistake of applying abrasive cleaning products on the wrong surfaces, see the list of areas to when avoid using abrasive cleaners:
- Brass
- Countertops
- Formica and artificial stone sinks
- Chrome fixtures
- Glass (including mirrors)
- Most metal surfaces (stainless steel and aluminum)
- Many ceramic tiles
- Painted surfaces
- Plastics,
- Plexiglas, etc
Precaution: If you’re ever in doubt as to how any surface will react to any such abrasion you want to apply, first test a small inconspicuous area and observe the reaction or simply try something milder.
Basic Parameters of Abrasive Materials
To successfully use the abrasive cleaning process, you need to understand some basic parameters of abrasive materials including:
- Cost of Performance: Abrasive cleaning can be done in a blast cabinet (room) or outdoors. However, cheap materials like sand and slag are used for outdoor abrasive applications because they can not be reused. On the other hand, abrasive particles used in blast cabinets/rooms may be re-used multiple times so their abrasives are usually more expensive (alumina, metal shot, grit, glass bead, etc.).
- Hardness: You can make use of hard materials when aggressive abrasive actions are required.
- Size of Particles: In order to produce a deeper surface profile, larger particles are used. A deeper surface profile is not suitable for thin coatings as they may be excessive. Abrasive particle size varies between the mesh sizes.
- Shape of Particles: In order to create more aggressive cutting action sharp particles are a better option because they form a deeper surface profile. Blasting of rounded particles(dry or wet) creates a shallow surface profile.
- Blasting method (wet or dry): Wet or slurry blasting makes use of fine particles forming suspensions in water (glass beads, silica, walnut shells, alumina).
As a very important part of the industrial coatings industry, blasting chambers bring raw-off-the-mill and fabricated steel to a suitably clean finish, making it ready to receive a protective coating. It is a safe and effective way to prepare your metal for finishing while saving time and money for your business as well as the environment by recovering and recycling abrasive materials.
Use of Abrasive Blast Finishing
Abrasive blast finishing is mostly used to remove markings, rust, scale, weld splatter, or previous coatings, from a component’s surface. Abrasive blasting uses compressed air to propel media while creating clean, anchor finishes and ready-to-weld substrates. With this process, you are at liberty to customize the finish based on your desired/selected media type, which is a great advantage to users.
The end product of using abrasive cleaning could be beautiful if rightly done. However, if you’re ever unsure about anything, seek your vendor’s help or read through the manufacturer’s directions. You can also get advice from someone who knows about it.