Organic Farming: Are You a Friend or a Foe of The Environment? - Writers Evoke
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Organic Farming: Are You a Friend or a Foe of The Environment?

Organic Farming

Our environment hangs precariously on the verge of tipping into a chaos of natural disasters and global warming. We have only one Earth. Sure, one might say that the Moon shows signs of supporting life, but why to search elsewhere when we can preserve, conserve, and restore our one, magnificent Earth.

As the famous proverb goes, tiny drops make an ocean. Little acts of conservation can go a long way in restoring the health of our planet. Buying from an organic food store instead of buying genetically modified (GM) crops that have adverse effects, in the long run, can benefit both the planet and its inhabitants. Click here to know more about Happy Farm

Organic farming is a progressive step towards creating a positive culture of nurturing the planet. Studies show that Organic farming can prevent over 250 million kgs of chemicals and pesticides from entering the environment each year.

There are numerous benefits to organic farming, some of which are:

Reduces Pollution

The nitrogen used in fertilizers and pesticides invariably ends up in water bodies. It causes water pollution and makes the water unfit for consumption. Organic farming eschews the use of all chemicals and the use of harmful fertilizers. It advocates only environment-friendly farming practices. Thereby it minimizes pollution and does not disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

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It also reduces the growth of algae in water due to agricultural run-off. Algal bloom poses numerous risks to the ecosystem underneath water, tourism, and ecology in general.

Nurtures the Soil

Organic farming keeps in mind the needs, nature, and condition of the soil. While other farming practices are solely exploitative, Organic farming practices enrich soil health. It considers the balance that is to be maintained through nitrogen fixation. Cultivation of beneficial bacteria is given prominence rather than relying on pesticides. Testing soil has shown that the presence of such bacteria is astronomically high in organic soil.

Reduces the Risk of Global Warming

Global warming is a hot topic (pun intended) in today’s environment and climate control forums. Anyone who has been involved in this debate would know that carbon emissions are the major contributors to this condition. Organic farming can cut down carbon emissions in half. It can slow climate change due to the eco-friendliness nature of its practices.

High Priority Given to the Welfare of Natural Flora and Fauna

Organic farming propounds a way of life that is symbiotic with nature. It relies on working in harmony with nature rather than against it. Organic agriculture makes way for animals, birds, and insects to live on farmlands without being adversely affected by harmful chemicals.

The current Covid-19 pandemic was due to an indirect interference with the wildlife. A reduction in the rate of biodiversity can directly correspond to a rise in the cases of infectious diseases.

Rachel Carson studied the effect of pesticides on animals. One of her studies’ conclusions was that the population of bald eagles in America had dramatically reduced due to the over-use of DDT (a harmful pesticide.) This example serves to explain how each little action can create a ripple of adverse effects on the environment.

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Organic foods are healthy for the environment and the consumer. Not all organic food stores indeed sell 100% organic food. Customers should exercise discretion in sourcing the right products that ethically manufacture organic goods.

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Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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