The Symptoms of Seventh Month Pregnancy - Writers Evoke

The Symptoms of Seventh Month Pregnancy

You are now at the beginning of the third trimester, the last part of the pregnancy.

Monthly Pregnancy Symptoms: Seventh Month Pregnancy

Seventh Month Pregnancy

In the third trimester , it is normal to experience the symptoms and ailments associated with your pregnancy and growing belly, such as: 

● Backache 

● Fatigue 

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● Swollen hands and feet 

● Heartburn 

● Stretch marks or stretch marks 

● Itchy skin 

● Cramps in feet and legs 

● Hot flushes 

● Urinating more often 

● Shortness of breath 

● Emotional and mood swings 

● Insomnia 

● Braxton-Hicks contractions 

Everyone is different and you may not be experiencing all of these pregnancy symptoms. You may be more concerned about some symptoms: 

Stretch marks or stretch marks: When you are Seventh Month Pregnancy, your belly will grow every day and you can get stretch marks on your stomach, as well as on your breasts, thighs, arms or buttocks. Many women get these pink, purple or reddish brown lines, but they often disappear after birth. Eating a healthy diet and gradually gaining the right weight can help. 

Itchy skin: Now that your skin is stretching, it can also become itchy. It may help to use skin oil or moisturizing lotion or take a warm bath (hot water can dry out your skin). 

Also Read  The Symptoms of Fourth Month Pregnancy

Seventh Month Pregnancy: changes inside and out

Seventh Month Pregnancy
Seventh Month Pregnancy

Your baby’s development: By week 32 , babies often turn their heads down in preparation for birth. They can also descend a little further, which puts more pressure on the bladder. However, it can take some pressure off your lungs, making it easier for you to breathe again. 

In addition, the babies’ bones start to harden. However, the skull remains softer so that the babies can move more easily through the birth canal. During birth, the plates of the skull overlap, causing some babies to be born with a pointed head. Don’t worry about this – within a few days, your baby’s head will return to its normal shape. 

Changes in your body: During the Seventh Month Pregnancy, your uterus gets a little tight. This gives your baby less room to move, but you will probably still feel some light movement every day. 

Because your center of gravity changes as your belly gets bigger, you may find yourself standing a little shaky on your legs. So take it easy and gentle while you walk. It may also be that you are less able to bend forward or not at all and that you will walk differently to support your weight. 

Your breasts will grow and gain weight. The veins on your breasts may become more visible and the color of your nipples may darken. 

Seventh month pregnant: checklist 

  • Rest: Take as much rest as possible, even though you may find it harder to sleep with your bigger belly now. Try to sleep on your side with pillows that support your back and stomach and place a pillow between your raised legs.
  • Recognize the Signs of Preterm Labor: Many women fear premature labor and confuse the signs with Braxton-Hicks contractions. Learn about the signs of preterm labor, such as persistent cramps and contractions, blood loss and lower back pain. If you are concerned or concerned that you are having premature contractions, please contact your healthcare provider or midwife.
  • Share your feelings: With all these pregnancy symptoms and changes in your body, it can feel like you have lost control of your own body. It’s an emotional time and your feelings are completely normal. Try to relax and get some rest, it’s not that long anymore. Talk to your partner, friends, and family about how you feel.
  • Learn about Braxton-Hicks contractions: These so-called practice pangs are just that, a preparation for what is to come. You can have them more often during your third trimester.
  • Brainstorm baby names: You may have already chosen a name. If you could use a little more help, take a look at the Pampers Baby Name Tool to find the perfect name for your baby.
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