The Symptoms of Eight Months Pregnancy - Writers Evoke

The Symptoms of Eight Months Pregnancy

You’ve been on the road for a while, but you still have a lot to look forward to when you’re Eight Months Pregnancy.

By the end of week 37, your baby will be near term. Only 5 percent of all babies are born exactly on their due date; almost all women give birth sometime between week 38 and week 42. By the end of the eighth month of your pregnancy, you can expect to give birth in the next four weeks. 

While you may be in labor this month, it could also take a few more weeks, so use this time to prepare well. 

Preparing for childbirth 

It is very important that you recognize the signs of a starting delivery and that you are prepared for them. Labor only really starts when your contractions are regular, slowly getting stronger and closer together, unlike practice contractions like Braxton-Hicks contractions. You can also suffer 

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from cramps, pain in your lower back or pressure on your pelvis. Your membranes may break and you may have a little blood loss

Don’t worry if you have these symptoms. Contact your healthcare provider or midwife, who can advise you on how long to wait at home and when to go to the hospital. 

Monthly Pregnancy Symptoms: Eight Months Pregnant 

During the eighth month of your pregnancy, you may experience some pregnancy symptoms and ailments, but take heart because you are almost there! Common pregnancy symptoms are: 

  • Clumsiness
  • Leaking breasts 
  • Braxton-Hicks contractions 
  • Heartburn 
  • Indigestion 
  • Discomfort due to the size of your abdomen 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Fatigue 
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Incontinence 
  • Hot flushes 
  • Emotional and mood swings 
  • Itchy skin 
  • Weight gain 
Also Read  Symptoms of 2nd Month Pregnancy

Eight months pregnant: changes inside and out 

Eight Months Pregnancy

Your baby’s development: Your baby has now descended, head down. It will continue to grow a bit, albeit a bit slower. It’s pretty tight in the womb by now, so don’t worry if you feel your little one moving a little less. 

Changes in your body: In addition to all the physical changes, you may feel emotional. Your large, pregnant belly makes people more likely to give you unsolicited advice, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed, worried, irritated, or nervous. You may also be getting a little impatient waiting for that baby by now, but he just needs some more time to prepare for the big adventure. Try to resign yourself to these feelings. It’s an emotional time that you will definitely get through – you can do this. 

Eighth Month Pregnant: Checklist

  • Completing a birth plan: If you’ve been making a birth plan recently, make enough copies for your medical team. 
  • Pack your hospital bag and have it ready at the door: Grab your maternity or hospital bag. Put everything in here that you and your partner may need during delivery and your hospital visit. Including clothes and other necessities for your baby, for in the hospital and back on the way home. 
  • To the hospital: Make sure you know how to get to the hospital. Put a few taxi center numbers in your phone and plan some alternative routes if you are using your own transport, in case your baby announces itself during rush hour. Consult with your hospital whether you can visit the maternity ward once, so that you know exactly where to go. Or discuss with your midwife how you are going to give birth at home. Enter the address and phone number of the hospital or birth center in your phone, as well as the numbers of your healthcare provider and midwife. Print this list and hang it prominently in the house, so that you always have it at hand.
  • The final touches: Use this time to rest and put the finishing touches to the nursery and child-safe of your home. It’s important to relax, so don’t overfill your schedule and enjoy this time. 
  • Every little bit helps: For a little more comfort during the eighth month of your pregnancy, you can, for example, do kegel and breathing exercises, pay attention to good posture and drink enough water.
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