The Importance of Shop Lighting Design and Its Effect on Retail Sales - Writers Evoke
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The Importance of Shop Lighting Design and Its Effect on Retail Sales

Importance of Shop Lighting Design

Shop Lighting Design
Shop Lighting Design

When you think of your store display, you consider several factors. What items should you place in the window to draw customer attention? How can you design your logo to catch the eye of passersby?

In the slew of questions you face, though, have you considered your lighting? Lighting does more than illuminate a space. It affects your customers’ mindset and enhances the atmosphere of your store.

Utilizing your shop lighting to its full advantage works wonders for your business.

If you want to learn more about using shop lighting, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explore the benefits of shop lighting and its usage in the guide below.

Shop Lighting: Changing Emotional States

When you consider how best to utilize your LED shop lights, you must consider your target market. If you use the most appealing lighting for that market, you can increase the dwell time they spend in your store.

How does this work? The short answer is that lighting can affect one’s emotional state. Light’s intensity, direction, and distribution can change the emotional state of those browsing in the store.

Effectively used, light can cause people to relax. Alternatively, it can create a sense of intimacy, excitement, or other positive emotions. 

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Lead People to Products

Fascinating research from Germany demonstrates that different types of lighting draw the eyes of customers better than others. For example, the data shows that contrasting colors drew people’s attention more than brightly lit areas.

The research also showed that blue lighting attracted more people than other shades. So, how can you use this information in your shop?

You can use your LED lighting to guide people through the store. By paying careful attention to the lighter and darker areas in your shop, you can influence the movement of customers. For example, you could focus your warmer lighting on the products you most want to showcase.

Affect Perceptions of Your Store

Your shop’s lighting can also affect how people perceive your store. It does so through effects on your brain rhythms, which in turn cause your customers to engage in specific ways.

What does this mean in practice? Your lighting frequencies and combinations help shape a person’s perception of your brand. It may lead them to perceive it as more luxurious and competent, such as you might expect of a high-end clothing store.

Alternatively, you may create a relaxed atmosphere that gives customers a more homely feeling. Coffee shops often adopt this approach.

Increase Your Revenue

All of the above effects have one ultimate purpose: getting people to purchase your products. Research shows that lighting can potentially change a customer’s purchase size. It can also increase the total amount they spend.

Enhance Your Lighting Today

Using your shop lighting effectively can do many things for your business. If your current setup doesn’t utilize these principles, try changing it! You may see results you’d never dreamed of.

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