Fuse box replacement

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Fuse box replacement
If the fuse box in your home is very old and not much satisfies the electrical regulations and you are worried about it? So, there is a need to replace it with the new one. Now, the next question is how much it cost to replace the fuse box and the time required for this procedure. Then we can provide you the exact information because we have collected many fuse box or consumer unit replacement key points from a lot of electricians to determine the average rates to replace the fuse box.
The mentioned key points are derived on original rates gathered from genuine organizations and local dealers, so you can take the edge from these key points to take an idea of the budget for repairing process that can be avoided by over rates. The replacement of the fuse box is quite easy. Mostly, this is process is completed by expert electricians but you can also do this work. This looks such as you are working this process by a non-expert but is not much danger. Only basic how to know is required for this task. In this article, we are going to describe these key points r steps to replace the consumer unit.
Permission is necessary:
You can perform many electrical works at your home but it will be appropriate if your local authority gives permission to you to work this. Sketch some ideas related to your work to be performed and you should provide the details to building codes assessor. Because of it not much dangerous but you should take permission as an inspection should be after completion of work. During the permission procedure, you should purchase a new fuse box from a local dealer. There are also programs on IPTV which provide information about fuse box replacement.
The old fuse box should be removed:
you should shut off the main electrical power by your distributor. If the power key is available to you, Power should be turned off by the electric meter. Check out your fuse box meter and then shut off down the power. You should make sure that all powers have been completely shut down before your work start. a current tester should be used for this task.
Fuse box lid should be off and then by using a screwdriver, all the fuses should be removed. With the help of pair of pliers, Take the lid off of the fuse box, and then remove all of the fuses using your screwdriver. using a pair of pliers, Unbind the wires and place them in place. Open the screws of the fuse box from the wall and remove it.
Add the new fuse box:
After removing the old fuse box, you should start to place the new fuse box. Detach all front panel and put the back opposite to the wall. It should be Screwed tightly so that the full weight of the box is supported by screws. You should make sure that the fuse box is tightly fixed by pulling it slightly. Wires should be placed again at the proper position and reconnect them with connections. Confirm that wiring is properly done.
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