Ten important advertising Tips for Amazon | Optimizing Amazon Ads

Ten important advertising Tips for Amazon

Strategies for Optimizing Amazon Ads:

  1. Organize your campaigns: You might want to create a new campaign for each product category, organize your campaigns or create new ones to test keywords.
  2. Optimize your product: You can reach out to a broader audience by optimizing your product listings with keywords that will tell Amazon that your ads are relevant to the content a shopper is looking at.
  3. Identify irrelevant search: You can download your search term report from Amazon and look for keywords that don’t generate any sales. Just navigate to Reports (at the top of Seller Central), choose Amazon Advertising Reports, click Search Term Report, and then click Request Report. Update your negative keywords with irrelevant ones to prevent your ads from being shown to the users who issue these search terms.:
  4. Make a list of keywords with the lowest: Boost your earnings by creating a new campaign dedicated to these keywords with a higher budget.
  5. Test new keywords: When testing a new keyword, set higher bids for these searches so you can quickly generate enough data to determine whether a new keyword is going to be profitable.
  6. Track product performance: You could create a campaign for top-selling products and dedicate a large percentage of your PPC budget to this while creating a separate campaign with a smaller budget for products that don’t do well.
  7. Test different match types for your: Amazon lets you choose from exact, broad and phrase matches. If you need to gather data on search terms used by shoppers, set match type to “broad” and dedicate high budget to campaign for few days.
  8. Use long tail: You will be less likely to compete against other ads for long tail keywords, and these typically convey a specific intent that one of your ads can satisfy.
  9. Amazon can identify new keywords for: Create an automatic campaign, download the search report and take a look at the list of keywords generated by Amazon.
  10. Avoid keyword: Your different campaigns might be competing against each other if you use the same keywords.
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Davu Siva

Davu Siva is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Local Marketing and etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, App Developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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