Homeschooling: Education That Gets The Whole Family Involved


Families are coming together more than ever as schools are experiencing shootings, bullying is on the rise and education standards have become a political tool. It is important to understand the available options and benefits of teaching kids at home and how every member can play a part. Homeschooling
Education has its origins in the home before the established form of teaching kids together as a group was developed. Mothers would teach their children how to write and how to do math so they would have the basic skills needed to conduct business while also learning the family trade. Then education became a community endeavor and slowly it grew until it was controlled by the government such as it is today. Modern homeschooling goes back to the basics where families are the core unit involved in teaching the necessary skills and knowledge while meeting regulations and standards.
For most families, the mom is the primary teacher and organizer with the online homeschool programs. This is especially true of the younger elementary students who work from hard textbooks or are just learning how to navigate the online portal. She creates a schedule that gives students their best opportunity, answers questions in all subjects and develops activities that take the kids outside of their books and into hands-on exercises to help with the written material.
The father can take on the role of principal to handle escalated issues and supplement for mom when needed. Both mom and dad are important when making the initial decision to homeschool and in finding the right option from the available online homeschool programs. This is a choice that requires everyone to be working together to make it successful by supporting each other and having the right communication.
The students are the most important part of the process because they are the individuals doing the actual work and preparation. Younger children may be part of the discussion but not have as much input due to their age but talking with the older kids and understanding their needs and concerns are critical to the process. Some students are excited about making the switch from public to homeschooling while others are more reticent because it is something new and different.
Take advantage of the free demos offered by homeschool programs to check out the student (and parent) portal to see how easy it is to navigate the course, follow the lesson planner, read the material and complete the work. Assignment submission is automatic so there is nothing to mail or send in and possibly get lost in the system and grades are maintained by the school to prepare formal report cards and transcripts for documentation.
Families that choose to homeschool may have one or more kids involved and siblings can be a great resource to help each other out with studying, introducing new concepts, making it feel more like a classroom and in challenging one another. It is not unusual for younger students to pick up facts and information as they listen to the older ones go over their studies to prepare for a test and an older sibling can help explain a concept to their brother or sister more easily because they just went through it a short time ago.
This type of support helps to bring kids closer to each other for a stronger bond that continues past graduation and into adulthood. It can also be helpful if there comes a time when both parents have to work but they don’t want to switch the kids back to a traditional school.
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The top online homeschool programs provide different teaching options so that parents can be directly involved in the instruction processor primarily a support system as the professional teachers handle this responsibility. The class environment is still at home, work is done through electronic devices or textbooks and the family works together to make this a success for each student. Families who choose this route often have better communication, more open relationships and stronger bonds because they have learned to live, play and work in close settings on a full-time basis.
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Homeschooling is not for everyone but if it’s an option that you and your kids want to consider then the first step is finding the right online homeschool platform with a reliable curriculum, affordable costs and can support students from K-12th grade so you never have to make the switch. Everyone should be involved in the discussion, setup and organization since homeschooling allows a great deal of flexibility on these decisions. Have a special place in the house where everyone gathers to do their work for a set time and then have days where they get to take school outside for a change of scenery and inspiration.
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Remember that every student is different so in setting up the parameters, make sure that there is enough room to accommodate each child’s unique habits and learning approach. Take your family to the next level by taking back education for quality backed learning, safety and helping them reach their goals in a way they never could as just another student in the group