8 Common Problems That Can Lead To Pest Infestations

How many species live in your household? There might be humans, dogs, and fish – but what about mice or cockroaches? When you spot an unwelcome resident in your home, you might be tempted to grab the nearest insecticide and spray away. DIY solutions can only go so far in preventing infestations; to address the root of the problem, you’ll have to find what’s causing it in the first place. Here are some common reasons why pests have taken shelter in your home, and what you can do to get rid of them:
- Firewood is stored near the home. Do you like to have bonfires or use the fireplace inside your home? It’s a great way to warm up a cold night, but unfortunately, it attracts ants and termites. Bringing that firewood into or around your home may introduce those pests to your property. Carpenter ants will move from the firewood onto the walls of your house and search for an entry point. To prevent this issue, store firewood several feet away from your home.
- Trees and branches are touching the sides and roof of your home. A house that’s framed with trees can often look beautiful. Unfortunately, the branches that graze the sides of your home will give insects easy access to it; they can crawl down the trees and onto your roof. From there, they can easily find a way inside. You may need to trim the trees around your house or remove some completely to prevent this problem.
- Ponds of stagnant water are around the house. Want to avoid pests that are bad in the summer? The worst culprit might be mosquitoes, and they love pools with still water. If your skin is getting bitten the moment you step outside, look around your property for bug breeding grounds. Stagnant water ponds give them the perfect spot to lay their eggs. Once you’ve located a few, look for ways to remove water from them. It will send mosquitoes packing to the next pond, and you’ll be able to enjoy barbeque parties once more.
- Cracks in the foundation or walls. Do you see any space where water or damage has eroded your foundation? While it might seem small, a mouse can fit in an opening the size of a dime. Look for gaps near your ceilings, floorboards, and exterior walls. You’ll want to seal them up to safeguard your house against insects and mice. Many choose to use steel wool as a way to plug small holes.
- There are food sources in the open. Leaving out dirty plates and open bags of food is like inviting mice over for a picnic. Pests won’t waste any time infiltrating your kitchen once they smell what’s being offered. Keep a lid on uneaten food to discourage pests from joining you for dinner.
- Your house is full of clutter. Sometimes, it’s hard to let go of possessions that have sentimental value. But do you know what’s worse? A house that’s full of cockroaches and mice who will hide among your possessions. If your home is teeming with clutter and pests, then it’s time to remove garbage and junk; it can instantly reduce your pest problem because there will be nowhere left for them to hide. You don’t have to tackle your entire home all at once; take it room by room. Start with the place where you most often find pests and begin to clear it out.
- There are gaps in the crawl space. Critters love nothing more than dark, damp spaces. If they can get into your basement, they’ll make themselves right at home. It means major issues for the structure of your home: a rodent can snack on your insulation, vapor barrier, and electrical wiring. Contact a contractor who can seal any open spaces in your home’s crawl space clean up to keep pests out.
- The eavestroughs are clogged with leaves. When you’re spring cleaning, don’t overlook your gutters. They can become clogged with debris and leaves, which can cause a water drainage issue. Not only will this attract mosquitoes, but the moisture can damage the siding of your house. It can decay the structure of your home and leave gaps for insects and rodents to infiltrate. When mold forms, it’s like a siren call to pests. Make sure to clear out your eavestroughs often to prevent a pest problem and moisture damage.
No one likes unwanted guests in their home, whether it’s the in-laws or an army of ants. If you have pests in your house, you’re not alone. Even with the world’s best insecticide, your pest problem will keep coming back if you don’t find the source of the issue. The key to eliminating infestations is finding out how they’re getting in, and what changes you can make to stop them.