Yoga For Busy Moms - The Best Poses Can Be Tried | Writers Evoke

Yoga For Busy Moms- The Best Poses Can Be Tried Anytime

Yoga For Busy Moms

Yoga For Busy Moms

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful roles in life, you give birth to a child who will in due time become an individual, capable of looking after him or his mother, but at the moment of time your baby depends on you
completely, and each moment of your day is spent looking after its needs,
doing household chores and fitting other activities round taking care of
your baby. Yoga For Busy Moms

This is quite stressful for a mother balancing between her roles of a
spouse, housewife, working woman and obviously as a mother. But for a mom on top of the above must have first need to take care of herself, because only after that she can take care of the whole family. As a mother, you always need to cope up with different relationships like friends and family and after dealing with these things you have to find some quality time for yourself.

Most of the time your fitness regime takes a back seat, you are so tired that you do not have any time to look after yourself, you put on weight or you are not able to shed the weight you had put on when you were pregnant.

Yoga for various types of fitness regimes

The Yoga For Busy Moms is preferred more among the various types of fitness regimes because it is easy to do anywhere at any time without any serious injury. Yoga can benefit in many ways like improves brain activity, reduce weight, meditation gives mental peace, good night’s sleep, can lower blood pressure, strengthen and energize your body.

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However, there is a fitness regime that you can follow easily; fit in whatever time is available between feeding, bathing and putting the baby to sleep. You can do these yoga poses for busy Moms! 5 poses you can do anytime, anywhere. You can stretch and perform the poses anywhere; you do not need a special place or yoga mat to do these poses. They are- forward fold, the tree pose, cat-cow pose, standing figure four and toe squat. Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a great way for beginners to learn yoga.

Forward Fold’ pose:

Just bend down and try to touch your toes, keep your back straight, and bend knees a little, if you think you cannot hold the pose. You can hold on to a couch or a chair, if possible, try to touch your forehead to your knees. This pose will improve blood circulation, increase energy levels and help you relaxes and help you to keep a good balance.

Tree’ Pose:

This is a great pose to focus on the center and help in the concentrate on your breathing. Move your feet apart, breathe deeply, now lift your left foot and rest it on your shin, focus your eyes on a point in front of you and breathe. Change sides and continue, if you feel comfortable you can place your foot on your thighs also.

‘Cat’ and ‘Cow

This pose combines the movement of both a cat and a cow. You can sit like a cat on all fours on the ground, move your shoulder blades up, now like a cat put your body in round position and exhale, inhale and arch like a cow by raising your forehead. Repeat the movement as many times as you can. It helps in overcoming feelings of fear and anxiety.

‘Standing figure four’ pose

This pose stretches the body, get into the pose as if you are sitting in a chair, bend your knees and put your weight on the heels, stay firm. Lift one foot and try to put your ankle on the thigh.

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You can either sink down further or come up, everything depends on how flexible you are. The benefit of this posture, it stretches your legs, hips, calves. Do not try to force your lower back muscles. First do this pose, lying down on your back.

‘Toe squat’ pose

Place a blanket on the floor, now tuck your toes and sit down on your heels. If you find sitting all the way down not possible, go down as far as possible, if you feel further uncomfortable use a block and rest your hands on it. If you find sitting on your toes still more uncomfortable listening to the music, talk to someone this would help you to take your mind off from the discomfort of squatting on the toes.

This pose helps all the organs associated with the lower body, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spleen, and stomach. The pose helps in strengthening all these organs.


So, moms just are ready and start caring and pampering your babies without affecting your health and wellness. 200-hour Yoga For Busy Moms teacher training in Rishikesh is a great way to learn all the basics of yoga and meditation and become a certified yoga teacher so that you can spread the knowledge and wisdom of yoga with others.

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