4 Shows/Movies You Must Not Miss On Netflix

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Remember the days when people had to go to a nearby DVD store to buy their favorite feature film or a few episodes of their favorite shows? Well, those days are long gone because the introduction of digital media platforms has changed the way we view things and Netflix is the most popular OTT platform among the others with a huge number of loyal users across the globe. There are a lot of shows and movies available on Netflix, but let’s talk about the four most interesting and awaited movies or web series.
The Mother
If you love thrillers, Jennifer Lopez’s The Mother on Netflix can be one of your top picks for this month. The story is about a thirteen year old girl named Zoe who is kidnapped and forced to live with her actual mother who would stop at nothing to protect her daughter. The movie is produced by the capable actress herself and is expecting a release in 2022 after going into production in September 2021. If it were not for the pandemic, the movie would have been available on Netflix earlier than mentioned.
Yummy Mummies
The show is about a group of mothers who are as good looking as supermodels and the challenges faced by them in their lives when they become a part of motherhood. It has had a successful run for two seasons and Yummy Mummies Season 3 is soon going to be aired on Netflix. You must not miss out on this one if you are a fan of drama and slice of life shows. It has been received positively by a lot of people and has a cult following.
The Witcher
When the whole world was trying to find ways to cope up with the ongoing pandemic last year, Netflix came up with The Witcher starring exceptionally talented Henry Cavil. It gained mass popularity and gave good meme materials to a lot of members across the world. Its next season is due to release by the end of 2021 or in the early months of 2022.
Stranger Things
This show introduced to the world an amazing talent in the form of Millie Bobby Brown and David Harbor. It has elements of thrill and horror incorporated in it which makes it a must watch for horror lovers. It’s fourth season is expected to be released this year.
Phew! That was quite an interesting list, no? Well, keep being patient as most of the web series mentioned in this list are coming with their next seasons in a year or two, bringing you all the answers to the questions you have from the previous seasons. The shows have a huge fan-base and you must have seen a lot of people talking about these shows in your classroom, office or neighborhood. Therefore, there is a need for you to catch up with the previous seasons so that you don’t seem outdated to your best friends and families who are into these shows.