The Symptoms of Fifth Month Pregnancy - Writers Evoke

The Symptoms of Fifth Month Pregnancy

Every pregnant woman’s body changes in different ways and at different times of the pregnancy. But by Fifth Month Pregnancy, your baby belly will probably already be visible. This month is therefore about getting used to the physical changes and dealing with all the unsolicited advice you receive from everyone. 

Monthly Pregnancy Symptoms: Fifth Month Pregnancy

Maybe you still have some extra energy, which the second trimester is known for. Many women consider this the best phase of their pregnancy. But you may also experience some rotten pregnancy symptoms in month five, such as: 

  • Itchy skin 
  • Stretch marks or stretch marks 
  • Varicose veins 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Slightly swollen hands and feet 
  • Lower back pain 
  • Bloated feeling 
  • Flatulence 
  • Constipation 
  • Heartburn 
  • More appetite 
  • Difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position 

These pregnancy symptoms are normal and you may only experience some of them this month.

Fifth Month Pregnancy: changes inside and out 

Your Baby’s Development: Your baby is gaining weight and her facial features are all in the right place. Your little one still has quite a bit of wiggle room in the tummy at this point, so you will feel her kicking, punching and spinning. While this can be annoying at times (especially if you’re trying to sleep at night), these movements are part of a healthy baby. A good sign. 

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Changes in your body: There are many positive things this month of pregnancy while continuing to enjoy that extra amount of energy. Many pregnant women have “glowing” skin during

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pregnancy. Although your belly continues to grow (which causes some of the symptoms mentioned above), you can probably still move around fairly easily and keep doing things. As your belly gets bigger, your belly button may stick out. The texture and growth of your nails can also change. 

Getting used to your pregnant body 

It is an important task to give your baby a safe nest. But that does not mean that you yourself always feel at home in your changing body. Treat yourself to some nice, comfortable maternity clothes during the second trimester , whether you find it online or fit it in a store. 

It can sometimes be difficult to respond to all questions, comments and advice about your pregnancy, from both strangers and acquaintances. Try to thank people, say you’ll think about it, and stick with it. 

Perhaps you have already shared the news with your colleagues and employer and have already started calculating and preparing your maternity leave. If you are Fifth Month Pregnancy, it is wise to determine when and how you will hand over your tasks to colleagues, so that you do not miss out on large, stressful projects until the third trimester . 

Fifth Month Pregnancy: checklist 

  • Sign up for prenatal courses: You can follow a number of courses from the sixth month, so sign up now so that you get as much guidance and information as possible. 
  • Talk to your baby: Your baby can hear better and better and can already recognize your voice. Make it a habit to talk, sing, or read aloud to your little one every day. 
  • Recognize the signs of preterm labor: If you think you have signs of preterm labor, call the emergency number of your healthcare provider or midwife right away. 
  • Use that extra energy: That extra energy in the second trimester comes in handy when starting sports (again), going on a trip, decorating the nursery and other chores.
  • Eat healthily: Your baby is now growing very quickly and you may be more hungry than usual. You don’t have to hold back, stay healthy, varied, and nutritious food. 
  • Comfort: Try out different sleeping positions and find more comfortable shoes (especially if you have swollen feet). Look for maternity clothes and bras that support your growing belly and breasts and allow for adequate breathing and movement.
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