Tips to ace your CBSE Class 12 Maths exam with full marks

“ A math student’s best friend is the BOB – Back of the book, but remember that bob does not come to school on test days” – Josh
The 12th standard marks the end of an era – the second important stage of your life. The class 12 exam acts as a stepping stone for your career options. It reflects your best qualities and helps you understand which path you should choose for your undergraduate. The board exam is the most important one of the two years and students start preparing for it from day 1 of 11th grade to the last night before the board exam. Maths can be a tricky subject in the 12th but if you have your basics right, then you always have scope to score better. The level of mathematics is a bit high but with sheer dedication and effort, each and every student can pass with flying colors. Every student is different which makes their learning capacity and capability to be different. Due to this, they follow different study patterns according to their understanding and comfort and try to follow them throughout the year. Math necessitates a thorough understanding of both theorems and formulae. The majority of pupils are afraid of it because it requires a lot of formulas and logical techniques. However, with proper practice, you can score good marks in Class 12 Maths. Listed below are some of the common issues faced by the students :
- Getting confused in between 2 formulas
- Cramming up everything in the end
- Taking less effort
- Giving less time to some topics as most of their time is spent on a particular chapter
- Not being able to divide and plan their study time
- Getting blank during the paper
- Getting nervous and tense
But there is a large number of students who are not able to find the right path, so they give up after trying a couple of times. So, in this post, we’ll tell you how to get a score of 90 or more in Math Class 12.
First, let’s list down the chapters and their weightage.
Relations & Functions – 10 marks
Algebra – 13 marks
Calculus – 44 marks
Vector and geometry – 17 marks
Linear programming – – marks
Probability – 6 marks
Chapters – As soon as the first semester begins, take a piece of paper and write down all the topics that you will be learning throughout the year. Use different color pens for each chapter name and then make different columns and divide them accordingly. The use of those color pens will help you keep your presentation skills intact. Chapters with high relative importance should be given importance, and these chapters must be understood. Make sure you’ve gone over the curriculum thoroughly. List all of the concepts and subjects for each chapter, and as you can see, calculus has the highest burden, so start there and work your way up.
Formulas – Once you have finished the basic syllabus, prepare mock tests. Look for the concept that they have used. Go through the solved examples and focus on the steps by which the problem has been solved. Start solving the questions at the end of the chapter. Go through the example problems to understand how to approach the different types of problems in a given chapter. Note down all formulas and revise them every day. Also, use the Vedantu ncert solutions for class 12 maths for reference. Using solutions can be extremely helpful as you can identify your weak areas along with strong areas. This can help you get enough time to work on your weak areas.
Extra study time – Divide your 24 hours according to your daily routine. See to it that you devote a minimum of 1 hour for practice and solving of the sums and 30 minutes for going through the solved examples. If you feel that you have mastered a chapter, keep it aside for some time and complete the remaining chapters. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t revise the chapter. Whenever you have extra time and you are facing some issue regarding a particular sum or a topic, talk to your teacher or friend and get it cleared. Don’t pile up a huge list of problems and then go to the teacher because this will be hectic for the teacher to teach you and also for you to comprehend.
Recreational time – Use your time of fun to play something related to the subject – such as a math game or watch some videos. Clear up your study table and arrange everything neatly so that you can have a clean environment during your study. Try going for a run before your study session. It is proven that physical activity helps in the full functioning of the brain and also enlightens the mood. Once you finish studying, listen to some chill music to clear your head.
Cramming – Cramming is the most common problem that every student faces. A majority of them have the habit of keeping everything for the last moment. This leads to a lot of mental stress and tension. To avoid this, you should not leave anything for the last moment and study everything thoroughly. Everyone being a different individual has their own set of capabilities and study patterns. But there are some students who don’t know how to study and so they just give up on the subject. If you do this, you will never score good grades which can directly affect your overall result.
Refer to some kinds of reference books to solve questions with higher difficulty. This can help you to be ready for all the tricky questions asked in the examination. Make use of digests to solve more and more questions about the topics that you feel are hard. It can help you by making the topic simplified.
Be patient and study hard. Best of luck with your exams.