PC Building for the Novice - Writers Evoke

PC Building for the Novice

PC Building for the Novice

We all have to start at the beginning and if your love of computing has reached the point where you want to build a PC, this article is for you. Some people would never attempt such a feat, yet if you know your mainboard from your graphics card, why not order all the components and build the machine?

Essential hardware components

The list is long and includes:

  • Mainboard
  • CPU
  • Graphics card
  • RAM Chips
  • Ethernet controller
  • Sound card
  • Power supply
  • Monitor
  • Peripherals

All of the above would be fitted into a main case, which might be water-cooled if you are building a gaming PC. When buying a mainboard, you need to make sure it is compatible with the components you choose. The online IT hardware supplier can advise you on this issue, making sure you have the best configuration.

What do you plan to do with the PC?

This is a critical question, the answer to which will determine the specs; if you are using it with graphics applications, hi-end is essential, if, however, you do your accounts, surf the net and watch a few films on Netflix, then mid-range is fine. RAM is obviously critical; you can never have too much temp memory in computing, while going hi-end extends the lifespan of the computer, as it will be compatible with the latest software, at least for 3 years. Many entrepreneurs prefer a gaming laptop, as this is powerful enough to multi-task and you have your entire business with you wherever you go. The tried and trusted MacBook Pro is really all you need if you run a small online business, while a smartphone is another necessity. Once you assess your needs, you can start looking at online suppliers, where the best deals can be found for hardware components. Here are a few tech trends in the gaming sector.

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Component compatibility

This is very important; you can’t put every CPU onto every mainboard; join an online forum and ask the experts, while some can be a bit hostile, this is a great way to confirm whether or not your list will work together. Read product reviews and this will help you make the right choices when it comes to hardware and compatibility. Check out Consumer National, where you can read about your online consumer rights.

Simple steps

The great thing about IT hardware is the plug system is designed so you can’t make a mistake; if it fits, that’s where it should go. There are hundreds of YouTube ‘how to build a PC’ tutorials and once you understand the process and you have all the components, you can start the build. The Internet hosts so much in terms of resources for self-build enthusiasts and you’ll find everything you need to ensure a successful build.

Select a day when you have nothing pressing to do and use the dining table to lay out all of the components, making sure you have the tools you need. Read all instructions and follow the process and in a couple of hours, your PC will be ready for the OS install.

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