The Importance of Having Basic First-Aid Knowledge in Post-Pandemic Times - Writers Evoke

The Importance of Having Basic First-Aid Knowledge in Post-Pandemic Times

The Importance of Having Basic First-Aid Knowledge in Post-Pandemic Times

Regardless of the situation, possessing first aid knowledge is beneficial for everyone. It is like an asset that can save you money and even prevent your health from worsening further.

Most importantly, the gravity and unpredictability of today’s health issues require the general public to maximize their awareness about health-benefiting skills.

In that capacity, first aid skills are not any complex procedures that only experts can acquire, possess, and practice. They are simple life skills that anyone can master in no time, just like learning hygiene and balanced diet protocols.

At present, the importance of acquiring basic aid knowledge has several reasons and benefits. 

As such, the existing healthcare system cannot keep up with the increasing healthcare demands and workload.

On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged its capacity even more. As a result, the system is facing an unimaginable burden to accommodate the emerging disease load.

In such situations, stuffing it with relatively manageable cases will further reduce its functionality and efficiency.

Hence, it is better to administer minor cases outside the healthcare facilities so that hospitals can deal with severe patients on a priority basis.

The following paragraphs further explore the efficacy and importance of having first aid knowledge in post-pandemic times.

Coping with the workload of healthcare facilities

Workload, incapacity, and understaffing are some of the main challenges for today’s healthcare sector during the pandemic. It is why healthcare facilities should augment the capability of their workers to accommodate the healthcare burden.

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At least, training the entire workforce with the basic aid aptitude can also minimize their workload significantly.

Most importantly, pursuing Basic Life Support (BLS) is convenient and does not cost hefty amounts. As such, a BLS certification online only costs $99. 

In return, the program introduces several first aid skills. For instance, individuals can learn patient assessment, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, oxygen supply, and others. They also have the flexibility to acquire skills as a team or individual rescuer.

Additionally, the program also provides the opportunity to adjust their schedule as per individual preferences.

In essence, such courses are crucial to distribute the overall workload effectively. As a result, healthcare services can cater to various patients within existing resources and without exhausting them.

Catering to emergency cases and minimize damages

Perhaps healthcare emergencies are the most crucial times to observe the usefulness of having first aid knowledge. Such emergencies do not care about the victim(s) ability to get medical assistance or their proximity to a healthcare facility.

Their occurrence is also random and can be life-endangering. Such situations can further push victims to irreparable damage in case of delays in immediate and informed assistance.

For instance, COVID-19 infections are the most frequently occurring and life-threatening emergency incidents at present. In severe cases, such infections can lead to breathlessness and increase complications. 

In such cases, onsite helpers with first aid knowledge can alter the proposition of life and death situations. They can readily assess a patient’s condition, responsiveness, breathing, and circulation and call for expert assistance.

Similarly, first aid protocols can help them keep patients stable until they can access a healthcare facility. Even in the case of a patient’s unresponsive and unconscious state, first aid assistants are better adept at minimizing damages to patients by providing breathing aid.

In essence, first aid skills are crucial to managing emergency cases skillfully, regardless of the emergency nature.

Reserving healthcare resources for severe cases

Undeniably, health issues are disturbing and concerning, even if they are not severe. However, not every emerging health issue requires specialized assistance, but leaving them unattended can lead to more damages.

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For instance, routine indulgence in household chores can incur several accidents and injuries. Even minor mishaps in the kitchen can cause skin burns that require immediate aid to prevent swelling and bubbles.

Delaying assistance can intensify their discomfort and further lead to severe blisters or infections.

In such cases, the personal aptitude of first aid skills, including dressing and bandaging, can be significantly advantageous and soothing.

More than that, knowledge of first aid gives space to the healthcare system to preserve resources for severe health cases of COVID-19. Otherwise, excessive reliance on healthcare services overstresses the healthcare workforce.

Unnecessary and elevated demand is also one of the main reasons behind higher healthcare charges. As a result, only an affluent section of the society can access premium healthcare services, not everyone.

Such a situation highlights that healthcare resources are scarce. That is why resourceful utilization is fundamental to facilitate everyone’s access to quality healthcare attention in trying times.

Minimizing personal healthcare expenditure

Perhaps healthcare maintenance does not cost as much as its treatment and rehabilitation procedures. Once health problems surface, the journey to full recovery can be economically exhausting and tiring. 

Repeated visits to experts are not only trying but hamper personal capability to accommodate health and other expenses.

Since delaying and ignoring health issues will continue to increases their complexity, seeking expert assistance is inevitable. However, access to healthcare services does not come without cost.

At present times, maintaining health is even more challenging when the pandemic shocks have overwhelmed the economic stability of the entire population.

In such circumstances, would it not be better to acquire the capability to handle minor health issues and injuries by yourself?

It is what certifications like fundamental life support aim to provide. As a result, you can bandage minor injuries and also attend to loved ones with instant assistance. It means your first aid knowledge can minimize the health expenses of your family members as well.

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Apart from that, individuals choosing to equip themselves with first aid skills can also exercise control over their time and health. Their expertise can readily inform them of their health conditions over time.

It means they can observe and distinguish viral infections and attend to them before the situation worsens.

Preventing & spreading viral infection

Undeniably, the pandemic experience has been horrific for the entire global population, regardless of who suffered from the infection. It is why safety protocols are so stringent and comprehensive. For instance, even family members have to maintain certain distance and self-hygiene while living in a home.

Given the dangers of the pandemic, the public should minimize exposure to places like hospitals and other overcrowded areas. In such cases, they have to utilize first aid knowledge as much as possible. 

Their informed practice will prevent exposure to infected cases and reduce their chances of acquiring the disease. 

Similarly, it will also reduce the likelihood of spreading the viral infection. For instance, even if first aid experts happen to catch the disease, they can easily manage early-stage symptoms at home. It means their awareness can help them contain the virus and prevent health deterioration.

Additionally, skilled individuals can also attend to infected cases in their surroundings with breathing and other issues. They can also assist them with oxygen masks and ventilators.

In essence, basic aid knowledge is crucial in protecting personal and public lives from the dangers of the pandemic.


First aid knowledge is one of the necessary talents that everyone should learn and practice. The skills are crucial to assist and plan a health-promoting lifestyle, regardless of public health emergencies.

However, the current pandemic has raised the importance of first aid skills even more. For instance, the skills enable the general public to equip their expertise to maintain their health and safety while fighting the pandemic.

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