Google My Business Listing - Local SEO - Writers Evoke
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Ranking Your Google My Business Listing

Google My Business Listing

Google My Business Listing

Google has provided so many free tools for Business owners and one such tool is Google My Business Listing.

For local searches, you might have found a block of businesses listed above the organic results. Anyone with a Business can list it on the platform and verify the ownership easily.

As local listing results hide the organic results so it becomes crucial to rank your business listing in local results It possible only when we hire a reliable SEO Services Providers in your nearby locations.

By not doing so you could lose much of your customers even while ranking first on organic results.

Google My Business ranking tips

  1. Completing the Profile Description: Use keywords in your description but don’t make it look like a mess or something.
  2. Get your Business a short name. Google rolled out Short names for Businesses this year and currently, only 10% of Business are using it. So you might get your desired one.
  3. Choose short names just like you decide on a domain name. You can focus your keywords in the short names as well. It looks like this{Your_Shortname}
  4. Upload high-quality pictures of your business and make sure to rename them before uploading focusing on your keywords. Don’t upload pictures with names “IMG01” but instead rename them as “Best Flower Shop in Gurgaon-01”. Use different keywords with different pictures.
  5. Add all the other details like Business hours, Mobile Number, Other Local Addresses.
  6. Your website must be relevant to your listing which makes it easy to rank your listing. Same like Paid ads the quality of website do helps in ranking the listing.
  7. Get more positive reviews: By saying that I never meant to get fake reviews. Get genuine reviews from your satisfied customers or clients and this has got much power to rank a listing.
  8. Use Post feature: You can share a small post through your G Business listing. Use it well to share new blog updates, Offers and events. Do make use of keywords while posting stuff.
Also Read  What Is Domain Authority And How You Can Improve It?

Add a call to action button to take users to your website

  • Add all the locations in which your business serves as this increase your proximity to be ranked for more than one general location and “Near Me” keyword.
  • Add the website to your local business you can create a free website for your business using google site Google offer cms to design your website free of cost make sure you website designing is very important. Google gives you a website URL you can add in a local business.

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