Please Her/Him With These Actions and Gestures - Writers Evoke
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Please Her/Him With These Actions and Gestures

Keeping your man and woman happy should be your priority. Pampering should not be restricted to only birthdays and anniversaries, but you should make an effort to keep your partner happy and satisfied in day-to-day life. Boys see this as a task because according to them, nothing can please a girl. And, girls have their version of what we can do to please a boy. Without getting into the tug of war, we will just make an effort, and it will surely work wonders. Here is a list of actions and gestures that you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep the one you love always smiling wide. 

  1. Initiate for Midnight Snacks: Eating a snack at midnight is the guilty pleasure of many. But, it’s totally worth the calories and satisfaction. Every time she makes something for you, once-in-awhile you can initiate and cook something for her. It could be noodles or defrost the ready-to-eat snacks. You can also get her favourite chips and chocolates or make sandwiches. Just a small effort will be enough for her. Girls aren’t that hard to please. If nothing works, order her favourite pizza and let her eat alone (:P) 
  1. Prioritize Me Time: Me time is important for both of you. You should give time to each other, but do not lose yourself in the process. Maintaining individuality and taking care of the self is very important. For boys, my time is very crucial. In a day; give him his space. Let him do what he likes the most. Video games, bike riding, chilling with friends, reading books, etc. Whatever he likes to do, let him do, and you will see that he is radiating and innately happy. 
  1. Give Surprises: Life would be boring if there would be no surprises or fun. As partners, give surprises to each other. Even if you have been dating for a long time, never cease to surprise your partner when she is sad or having PMS; avail cake delivery in Mumbai of her favourite cake. Her teary eyes would convey all. On Fridays, get him his favourite beer, snacks, and binge watch Netflix or play video games with him. You can give surprise gifts to each other as well. His day went well at the office, making it even better with a gift or a long drive. 
  1. Do Things Your Partner Like: You may be united in love, but you are two different individuals with different likes and dislikes. You can have different opinions, and that’s normal. But, strengthen the bond and make your partner feel that his opinions matter; take an interest in what she or he likes. It will be fun to explore something new with your partner. Do not be rigid in relationships. Be flexible, always. 
  1. Hugs and Kisses: Hugs can melt mountains and kisses can solve problems. Make it a habit to give good morning and goodnight hugs and kisses to each other. When you meet for the date, do embrace each other and caress. Showing your partner affection from time to time is important. Physical touch also has a positive impact on the brain.  
  1. Make Each Other Laugh: Couples that make each other laugh are the best of all. Laughter is the most excellent medicine. Indulge in activities that bring a smile on the faces. You can see comedy shows together. If you are good at mimicry and jokes; use that as your strength to make your partner laugh. Be the reason for his/her happiness and not sadness. 
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Having a partner is a blessing. Keep him/her at all cost. Indulge in these activities for each other’s happiness. 

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