Amazon Listing Optimization | Optimize Yout AMAZON Listing
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Optimize Yout AMAZON Listing To Boost Your Sales

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Amazon Listing Optimization ki

To appear on the first page of Amazon search engine, you need to optimize your listings in accordance with the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm. This is the basic rule of thumb for Amazon Selling. Amazon Listing Optimization.

Whether or not you might be making enough profits in your business but to make high enough profits on Amazon, you need an optimized product listing. Unlike normal product listings, the power of optimized listing helps to achieve the desired results.

Amazon Listing Optimization

Why should you optimize your Amazon Listing? 

Optimizing your listing is the only way to achieve organic traffic. Especially, in areas where the competition is generally high, optimization of listing in accordance with the Amazon Algorithm is more than important.

It is a two-step process: 

The first step is about getting the desired traffic that can earn you reasonable exposure. The second step is about converting maximum traffic into more sales. 

With an optimized listing, you get ranked on multiple keywords and most people end up buying after they have clicked on your listing.

Here is an example: you have only 100 clicks on your listing which means you can potentially sell to those 100 people. But it is not always the case. Usually out of those 100 clicks, 10-15 clicks are converted to a sale. In Amazon’s language, this is also called Unit Session Percentage. Higher the unit session percentage, the better it is for your business. 

Amazon Listing Optimization

A fully optimized listing will also increase your profit during Amazon PPC Campaigns. It is a proven fact that sellers with better listings have lower ACoS. You can hire an Amazon agency UK to help you optimize your listing.

Key Elements to Amazon Listing Optimization

Keyword Research

For a product to appear on the top and catch the eye of the potential customer, one’s product listing should contain frequently searched keywords. If you don’t infuse the right keywords, your listing won’t appear on the top pages of the search engine. Right keywords are the one that is relevant to your product and frequently searched by every other potential buying on Amazon.

Correct and relevant keywords should be used in the listing, if not done systematically, your listing might affect the conversion rates and rankings of the product. You should infuse the long-tail keywords in your title, bullet points, and in your descriptions. Make sure you infuse the keywords that customers are actually searching for. Add up more keywords and drive traffic to your listing page. With the help of keyword tools, you can find the perfect match and relevant high ranked keywords for your products. Do not forget to track the ranking of your product.

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Product Title: 

You must include your target keyword in the product title. Make sure you are adding highly searched keywords in the title. Place the highest-ranking keywords in the title as it gains the most weight in the Amazon search engine. Also, you should add all the unique features in your title that makes you stand out of the competitors. Distinguish your products from that of their competitors and earn higher profits.

Product Title is something that gives your customers knowledge of what you actually offer to your customers. Before clicking into your listing, a customer gets a look at your title and later makes a decision for looking to your product description. So, make sure to get things covered into your product title to grab the attention of your potential customers. Cover all the main features of your product along with the keywords in the title to hit upon the top pages.

Product Images

Why product images are a concern? As we all know we buy what we see. Product images are the key factor that makes your listing look attractive and appeal the potentials to buy your product by showing attractive product images. As it’s the main product image and product title that grabs attention before going through your product listing page. The main image is something that shows 80% of your product and depicts the product information making the first impression to your customers.

You should definitely grab the opportunity by having an outstanding main product image that drives out your competition and leads to more clicks into your product listing. For converting a click into a conversion sale, you should add 6-8 images including lifestyle images (showing product in action), dimensional images, and info-graphic images that make your product features convince the customers to prefer your product over the competitor’s product.

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Add images that create value in the eyes of your customers. High-quality images tend to get high conversion rates, whereas blur and simple images fail to achieve the same.

Bullet Points

Obviously, one can’t provide all of the vital information via title and images. Amazon provides 5 bullet points that one can utilize to provide detailed product information. Bullet points highlights and helps summarize your product value. The more you let your customers know about your product, the more they get convinced and confident enough to buy your product. You should effectively use these bullet points to the optimum to grab your customer’s attention with catchy and convincing content information.

Point out all the benefits of your product and also feature out how your product stands out from your competitors. Convince your customers and make them know how your product is useful and beneficial to them.

Showcase your best to avail the best.

Product Description

For a good looking and perfect listing finishing, you can add HTML content to make it look attractive and grab more attention of customers by highlighting your unique product features. The product description is where you can add more information to your product. Information that you are not able to cover in the bullets, you can add those in your product description.

This provides a second chance to convince your customers and give them a reason to rely on your brand and products. Add the usefulness and sense of versatility to your products & influence more buyers. Cover all the important information about your products, so buyers don’t get any doubts while choosing your products.

Product Reviews:

Product reviews increase the trust of customers on your product that plays a convincing role for a customer in making a purchase. Good reviews are a great ranking signal in the A9 Amazon Ranking Algorithm. The reviews are the social proof that your products are of high quality and standards. Getting good product reviews is not easy for new sellers or products. Requesting your customers to give feedbacks might consume a lot of your time.

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Using automated feedback services like Feedback Express can take the hassle out of requesting product reviews. You can step ahead of your listing by using templates proven that results in a higher level of engagement with buyers. Both quantity and quality reviews matter to drive competition and grab attention. Customers won’t even click on your listings without good reviews. 

Enhanced Brand Content (A+ Content): 

The built-in feature, A+ Content consists of many templates that allow you to create fascinating listings on Amazon. With the right EBC, you can attract more customers and sales. 

EBC is a featured tool for Brand registered sellers on Amazon. Also known as the A+ tool, it allows the brand owners to enlist more information and product images to their detail page for attracting more customers. You can describe your product features in a more unique way by adding eye-catching product images and banners that attract customers.

You can use a distinctive brand story, enhanced images, and text placements. EBC helps achieve higher conversion rates, drive more traffic, and increase sales. Choose the best fit template for your products to win a sale. There are experts who can assist you to create an outstanding EBC for your brand.

Amazon Listing Optimization
Backend Keywords

Backend keywords are also known as search terms. As the name says itself, backend keywords go in the backend of your listing. The buyer cannot see these terms. Amazon allows up to 150 bytes of limit to write your search terms. It helps Amazon’s search algorithm to rank your product based on your search terms provided.

Over to you

These are the steps that can definitely help a seller to have a successful return by selling on Amazon. If you have been working on old traditional methods of selling on Amazon, you need to adopt new strategies to bring out new customers and sales for your business. For keywords, take help of a tool. For listing optimization, do it according to the Amazon Guidelines. For Photography, make a studio or take help of Photography services from any agency. 

What’s your take on successful Amazon Selling? Please share tips and suggestions in the comment box. 

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