Node.js vs PHP - Major Differences to Know | Node.js vs PHP

Node.js vs PHP – Major Differences to Know

Node.js vs PHP

Node.js vs PHP

Presently, the demand for website development services has increased which leads to the rapid growth of the website development industry. However, to develop websites is a daunting task as developers have to pay attention to different aspects including frontend and backend development. Node.js vs PHP

Backend development is a crucial part of development as a whole website functionality is empowered by it. Experts have introduced several technologies to enhance the backend development process.

Node.JS and PHP are popular backend development technologies and both are widely used server scripting technologies. Both have different features and uses for the developers.

In this blog, let’s know the functionality of different technologies and how developers can use them according to their projects.  

Node.JS vs PHP 



Node.JS is based on open source and cross-platform features. This technology is written in C#, C++ and JavaScript programming language. Node.JS technology was introduced by the well-known software engineer, Ryan Dahl in 2009.  

Recently, Node.JS latest version 10.16.0. has released. Node.JS technology is known to execute a javascript runtime environment that helps to execute code outside from the browsers.  Hence, it helps to develop dynamic web pages content. With Node.JS, developers can build highly scalable network applications.

PHP is easier to maintain whereas Node.JS requires efforts to manage and turn the process effortless partner with Node.JS development company 

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PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is known as a general-purpose scripting language. This language was released in 1995 and since then it has turned as a foremost choice for the Content Management System. PHP was developed with the motive of website development. Several frameworks such as Laravel and Symphony are introduced to support PHP development. 



Node.JS is empowered by an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which helps to bring fast server-side solutions. With the Chrome latest version known as a V8 engine, code execution turns into a faster process. Node.JS is supported by the MIT license, which helps to not buffer any data. Supportive by multiple platforms Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. 


PHP coding or scripting helps to run websites faster on servers. It has a rich codebase support feature, which helps to develop websites faster and easier. PHP-based solutions can be easily executed with any server and support multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.



Node.JS supports easy to use the feature but when it compared to PHP, it is not easy. Beginners should opt for PHP development. Node.JS developers required extra coding skills and support Asynchronous programming structure. Developers should also have to deal with color functionality. 


PHP is supportive of the Javascript architecture, which is the versatile language. For developers, it is very easy to use and they don’t require any advanced technical skills for the development process. 

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Developers can opt for Node.JS development to build single dynamic page applications, real-time applications for instant messaging apps. Apart from this, when developers are using front end technologies such as Angular and React. 

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PHP can be utilized to develop an E-commerce portal with a content management system. It is easy to deploy and integrate, works best with LAMP stack technology.  



Node.JS is the best choice to use with NoSQL databases like  MongoDB and CouchDB. Along with this, Node.JS also supports the database which is based on a graph system including JSON and Neo4j. With PHP, these databases can be integrated but Node.JS would be the best choice as the process will be streamlined. 


The PHP was designed in such a way that it can interact with the traditional relational database. PHP supports MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.  

Popular Websites 


Popular websites that are built with Node.JS are PayPal, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Mozilla, Netflix, Uber, Groupon, GoDaddy, and eBay.


PHP based websites are Facebook, Wikipedia, Baidu, Yahoo, Tumblr, Flicker, Wordpress, Flipkart, Digg, and iStockPhoto


These are differences between Node.js vs PHP that every developer should know about. For the backend development, these two are the dominant technologies. However,  it is important to make the final decision based on project needs and business goals.

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