Best medicines in India for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction - Writers Evoke

Best medicines in India for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction

Now blue pills to vacuum pump for men, All best medicines for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are available online in India at

A lot of Indians, especially men, face a lot of sexual problems in bed, or during sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is a very common problem faced by men of India. In other, men ejaculate just after penetration, which is too soon. Another common problem which men face is erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a problem of men where for sexual activities; they are unable to get a penile erection. It is very common among men to face these sexual disorders.

Estimates show that 81 percent of the men suffer from one sexual problem, while 14 percent suffer from around three sexual disorders at the same time.

Keep no grudges over sexual performance. Buy best medicine for PE and Ed now from

The causes of sexual problems in men are a combined factor of both biological and psychological circumstances.

Biological causes such as low testosterone, some medical conditions like diabetes and some bad habits such as drugs, alcohol and smoking may cause sexual problems like Ed and PE.

While some psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and trauma might also lead to sexual dysfunctions. However, these problems can be controlled and treated; by taking help from certified sexologists and following their prescriptions regularly.

A lot of online portals such as, are providing best medicines in India for Erectile dysfunction and Premature ejaculation for men’s sexual well being.

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Medicines available for ED and PE-

Ohman online portal, suggests different medicines for Erectile dysfunction (ED) and Premature ejaculation (PE). The medicines are highly effective and generally don’t give any side effects to the patients. The treatments may or may not need a medical prescription from the doctors.

Best Medicines For Premature Ejaculation-

All natural last long packs, Ayur virility pack, winner cream and pelvic toner are some treatments which can be taken by the patients with no medical prescriptions. While, Virility ultra pack and last long pack require a medical prescription. These are some of the treatments which Ohman portal suggests for Premature Ejaculation.

ohman in providing best medicine for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

Virility Ultra Pack-

This treatment needs a medical prescription by the patients for them to buy. The pack costs 2,299 INR and lasts for 30 days. The pack has an instruction card, one free consultation from Ohman’s sexologist and health supplements. This pack has evidences of providing positive results to the patients, by providing them stamina and erections.

Ohman Male pelvic toner-

The toner comes for 5,500 INR. The toner strengthens and stimulates pelvic floor muscles, which enhances the sexual performance. No, medical prescription is needed to buy the toner. Onen ca use the toner for maximum 30-60 minutes daily.

Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction-

Andro vacuum, winner cream, Korean red ginseng, pelvic toner and all natural performing pack are some of the treatments which don’t require any medical prescription. While performance pack, Bimix injection and Virility ultra pack require a medical prescription from doctors. These are some treatments which Ohman portal suggests for erectile dysfunction.

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Medical Vacuum Pump for Men -Andro

Andro Vacuum Pump-

The pump costs 10,500 INR. This is an effective product for sexual well being and erectile dysfunction. For effective results, patients should use the pump for 5-10 minutes daily twice a day and 3-4 minutes prior to sexual activities.

Nu Prep Tonkat Ali-

This medicine helps to enhance the stamina of the patient. Two capsules should be consumed after breakfast everyday day by patients ; and it comes for 3,500 INR. This medicine increases the testosterone levels in men and provides them with overall stamina and erection. One bottle of Nu prep tonkat Ali lasts for 30 days.

BiMix Injection-

This is a power medicine which helps in erectile dysfunction, but it needs a medical prescription for usage. The injection has to be used 5-10 minutes before the sexual activity, and should not be used more than 2 times a week.

Performance pack-

This treatment is effective in providing hard erections and requires a medical prescription for usage. The pack costs 2099 INR and lasts for 30 days. The pack includes an instruction card, health supplements and one free sexologist consultation.

Problem of Premature Ejaculation and ED in India-

Two very common problems which men face in India are Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction. One out of three men has been suffering from one of these. Premature Ejaculation a problem in which a man ejaculates before or just after penetration, and is unable to stay long during the sexual activities. PE can be a cause of psychological or biological disorders. Some of the experiences, such as sexual abuse, depression, worry and poor body image, can cause PE. Abnormal hormone levels, inflammation of urethra and inherit traits can be some other causes of premature ejaculation.

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual problem , on the other hand, where men are not able to keep the erections during sexual intercourse. This causes a lot of stress, anxiety and relationship issues in one’s life. Heart disease, obesity, alcoholism, sleep disorders , low testosterone levels, etc can be a cause of erectile dysfunctions.

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Best treatment available for pE

But, the good news is with the help of andrologist and sexologist doctors and prescribed medications, the problem of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can be controlled to a great extent. A lot of patients have seen great positive changes after taking the prescribed medications.

How Best medicines for Premature Ejaculation and ED Can help?

Ankit, a 30 years old man, was suffering from erectile dysfunction( ED) and Premature Ejaculation (PE) . He spent a lot of money and energy finding a trustworthy solution to his problem, but nothing helped him for a long time. One day one of his friends told him about Ohman’s portal and he ordered a pelvic toner for PE, and a performance pack for ED and used them as per the given instructions continuously. After continuously using both the treatments for 3 months, he could see immense changes in his stamina and erections. He is glad that he chose Ohman portal to buy medicines, which were extremely affordable and effective for him. He highly recommends the portal to others as well.


PE and ED are the common sexual problems, which affect a lot of men in our country. This in all reduces the self-confidence, builds up pressure and anxiety which overall affects the relationships and their personal lives.

Ohman is one online portal that takes care of both the issues and all the other issues related to a man’s sexual health and wellbeing. They provide the most trustworthy and affordable treatments to the patients. Moreover, they keep the privacy of the patient at the utmost priority and deliver the medicines discretely. They have been known to help thousands of people with successful results for all their intimate problems.

If you too are looking for a solution to any of these problems do visit “” and buy your medicine for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation today.

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