Top 20 Marketing Quotes in 2019

Marketing Quotes in 2019

Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media.
– Kim Garst

Content Builds Relationships. Relationships are Built on trust. Trust drives revenue.
– Andrew Davis

Good Marketing Makes the Company Look Smart, Great Marketing makes the Customer feel smart
Joe Chernov

Create Something People want to share
– John Jantsch

Nothing Influences People More than a Recommendation from a Trusted Friend.
– Mark Zuckerberg

Content is King, But Marketing is Queen, and Runs the Household.
– Gary Vaynerchuk

Connect, create meaning, make a difference, matter, be missed.
– Seth Godin

A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.
– Lee Odden

The three essential elements of an effective SEO are communication, useful information and high quality backlinks.
– SEO Refugee

Companies are rushing headlong into content today, and righly so. It’s a battle to get noticed online amidst the noise and crowds.
– Adam Audette

The Internet affords a level of relationship with consumers hitherto unfathomable.
– Lucas Donat

A Blog with a Business back – end is the key to a six – figure income as a blogger.
– David Risley

If I want to sell dog food, I first have to take over the role of dog; because only the dog alone knows exactly what dogs want.
– Ernest Dichter

If the product is right, you do not have to be a big marketing genius
– Robert Hitler

If the target group does not understand us, then it is not our target group.
– Markus Kutter

If you want to influence other people, you first have to talk to them in their own language.
– Kurt Tucholsky

Do not tell people how well you do the goods, tell them how well your goods do them.
– Leo Burnett

We do not buy what we want, we consume what we want to be.
– John Hegarty