A Brief Overview About Digital Marketing Agencies - Writers Evoke
Digital Marketing

A Brief Overview About Digital Marketing Agencies

A Brief Overview About Digital Marketing Agencies
A Brief Overview About Digital Marketing Agencies

Today, about 81% of the customers in Australia conduct research online before purchasing anything, which means that companies and businesses must have a robust online presence and engagement with the customers. A social media agency or a digital marketing agency that takes advantage of the digital world help does just that to bring in more customers through their innovative strategies.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing or online marketing is a marketing strategy that aims at promoting brands to connect with clients or customers on digital platforms like social media, search engines, web-based ads, emails, and more. It can be challenging for companies and small businesses to launch a successful digital marketing campaign amidst the vast competition present. Consulting a digital marketing agency like True can help them accelerate business growth. Digital marketing agencies follow innovative strategies and online tools to help businesses attain their marketing and sales goals.

Types of Digital Marketing Agencies

The digital marketing industry is a vast one. With numerous forms of digital platforms present, agencies specialize in providing marketing services in specific platforms while other agencies offer a wide range of services. Therefore, knowing one’s digital marketing needs, objectives, goals and budget, and matching it with the agency becomes pertinent while choosing a digital marketing agency. Listed below are the most common types of digital marketing agencies found today.

Inbound Marketing Agency

They provide inbound marketing strategies and tactics which significantly differ from traditional and outbound strategies of marketing. Inbound agencies partner with businesses and help them position themselves such that online customers can find them with ease, build trust over time and generate sales. They align the platforms to engage, attract and delight potential customers who visit the website using inbound methods. These strategies provide significant results over time, typically over 6-months or a year.

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SEO Agency

Marketing agencies that help SEO or search engine optimization services the clients rank their websites, blogs and content high in the search engine results. These specialists perform link building, video description optimization, metadata assessment, create blog and website content, backlink audits, website audits, keyword research and more. SEO agencies use various data analytics and developer tools like SEO Moz, SEM Rush, Google Search Console and Google Analytics to optimize the search engine practices and keep the company’s online presence up-to-date with the ever-changing algorithm.

Paid Digital Advertising Agency

Paid advertising is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic to a business’s online platforms. Companies bid for ad placement spaces or keywords on search engines, search result pages (SERPs), websites, social media channels and more to grab the attention of potential customers who are either browsing or looking to purchase something specific in the industry. Digital agencies help optimize such ads and design them to attract the attention of social media users, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. They help create, develop, regulate, maintain and manage ads to generate sales.

Social Media Agency

A social media agency is the service to turn to if the company requires help establishing and maintaining a social media presence. Over the past decade, social media has grown into a major marketing platform where companies must have an engaging presence and proactively communicate and connect with customers online. Social media marketing agencies can design, produce and manage marketing content and develop strategies to create an accurate and positive appearance on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more. They also offer services like influencer outreach, online customer interactions and more to help the brand stand out and grow exponentially.

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Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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