Things to Check When Choosing a Cat Boarding for Your Feline

Putting everything in order before travelling is not always easy, particularly when you need to square your cat away. As a pet owner, you will find out that putting your feline in a cat boarding while you are away could be the best decision you make. Pet hotels should offer their animal clients more than a feed and a cage. You want your kitty to receive the best care possible and quality services from the boarding you choose.
The following things to take into account when finding a reputable boarding kennel:
Space. Your precious cat deserves a good place to rest and sleep. In general, felines like to secure their own space from an angle where they can view their surroundings. They will feel more comfortable in an area where they do not need to guard all walls. With this, it is better for the cages at the kennel not to face directly each other as those shy cats may feel upset and anxious.
Also, ask the animal boarding if there is an exercise area for their cat clients. If your cat is friendly and enjoys being around other cats, the play area will be a safe interaction. Your cat can play with toys, enjoy the scratching posts, etc.
Bedding. Cats have different sleep preferences. Some felines like to curl up in a small bed in one corner, while others prefer to laze in the middle of the room. It would be better if the boarding kennel can replicate the familiar sleeping arrangement of your cat at home to avoid distress. Ask them if it is possible for your cat to bring their own bedding or toys, or if you can choose from their available beddings for your pet.
Food. When leaving your pet in a cat boarding, you want them to give your cat healthy and quality food. If your feline has special dietary requirements or any allergies, see to it that the pet hotel can cater to these special needs.
Lighting and temperature. As with humans, pets too need light for their well-being. But, cats feel comfortable and safe in corners and nooks to lounge and lie. So, in an unfamiliar and strange environment, determine if your cat likes a darkened space during resting and quiet time.
The ideal temperature is also important for your pet. Consider visiting the pet hotel and check their temperature before finally booking your pet.
Toilet. You will want to leave your pet in a place where everything is clean, including their usage of litter trays. It is unhygienic for different cats to share the same litter tray, risking the animals to diseases. After all, felines like to do their toilet time in private. Find out how often the cat boarding cleans the litter trays, and their answer can indicate their level of cleanliness.
Cat Boarding Policies
Policies are essential as they aim to protect the safety and well-being of all their animal guests. Make sure you know these policies and follow them. For example, the cat boarding you are considering requires vaccinations and a waiting period before they take your pet in. The facility also would like to know any illness or special condition your cat has, including medications.
When looking for a pet hotel, choose the one that will make your cat happy and comfortable regardless of how long you are travelling. Keep in mind the ideas above as well as do your research.