Is Online Study Considered as the Ultimate Solution? - Writers Evoke

Is Online Study Considered as the Ultimate Solution?

Online Study

With the rise of technology, online studying has gained traction. Now that lockdown has been in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak, online studies have become a necessity. The government has taken various initiatives like ebalbharti to provide free access to online study materials to students around the country.

Even though the online study is a necessity, there are various reasons due to which it is not apt to become the main way to educate the students. Let us list them in detail here.

More Time-Consuming

It can be hard to believe it but you will need to dedicate more time to studying and completing assignments in an online course than required in an on-campus course. The reason for this is that the online environment is mainly text-based. Everything from communicating with the instructor and other students, to posting responses and questions, all require typing. Typing something is obviously much slower than speaking it. Similarly, reading lecture notes takes more time than listening to your teacher’s lecture in the classroom. Even though online courses include lectures being delivered, sources like ebalbharti mostly provide reading materials. But there is a positive to reading. You might not remember everything a teacher says but if you have reading material, you can go through it again if required. Therefore, maybe you will learn the subject matter more thoroughly, it is apparent you will require more time to do so than in offline classes.

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Lack of Fixed Schedule

In an online course, there’s no one to tell you to attend class on time or remind you of the due assignments or approaching exams. Even though this might seem like a bliss that no one is there to preach, it can lead to ignoring the studies and missing assignment deadlines easily. Now, when the exams approach you will be left with nothing but remorse.

The Requirement of Time-Management Skills

Since there is no one to tell you what to do and what not to, online courses demand time-management skills of the student. If you do not manage your time properly, soon you will find that the pending work has accumulated and become too huge to tackle. Self-discipline is a must to successfully complete online courses. Online study will have to be made a priority and leisure time will have to be reduced to a minimum to succeed.

The Isolation Can be Terrifying

Online classes leave you with no friends to gossip or whisper, making funny remarks for the teachers, or the teachers that scold you for every mistake. There is only one companion and that is your computer or smartphone. This can be terrifying and impossible to tolerate for some students. It is important that the student tells this to someone if he starts feeling overwhelmed, maybe to a classmate or instructor.

Cost of Freedom

Independence, with no one there to tell you what to do and what not to, is something most students crave. They like to have this freedom. Studying online provides you this freedom, but teaches you the cost of this freedom. It can be dangerous if you don’t know how to handle it.

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Remaining Actively Involved

In the online environment, since there’s no one to tell you anything, It’s a sink or swim proposition. If becoming a responsible, self-sufficient, and independent citizen is your dream, you have to start being that as soon as possible in an online environment. No one is going to force you to work. And since there is no need to keep nagging the student to study, it’s an advantage for the instructor. There is no need to threaten or babysit a student. The instructor will just do his job which is to teach. It is up to you to keep learning.

Finding Your Own Way

The teacher here just shares his knowledge and experiences but it is up to the student to find his own calling. This lightens the load for the teacher and heightens it for the student even though a student might not realize it.

Therefore, even though from far it seems as a better way to study, the real disadvantage of an online course is that you might not own up to it. A student might not be able to take responsibilities for his/ her duties and in the process get way behind and never catch up. Thus, online study sources like ebalbharti are good but not the ultimate source of study.

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