Is Erectile Dysfunction Hereditary? - Writers Evoke

Is Erectile Dysfunction Hereditary?

It is a frequently asked question but do not have a clear answer to it. Men around the world are suffering from many sexual dysfunctions and erectile dysfunction is one of them. The incidence of erectile dysfunction is rising rapidly owing to the unhealthy lifestyle of people. It is more prevalent in men older than 60 years of age as compared to those of 40 years of age. The reason for age being an unmodifiable factor for causing erectile dysfunction is that certain health conditions encounter in old age leading to erectile dysfunction.

Having a look at the health conditions and lifestyle habits that lead to erectile dysfunction we have,

  • Chronic heart diseases: Cardiovascular impairments are the leading cause of erectile dysfunction in men as having a single problem with your heart triggers a cascade of events that further disturbs the normal balance and metabolism of other systems.
  • Atherosclerosis: Commonly called fatty plaque in the arteries is a co-morbid condition along with heart problems. The accumulation of fats in the arterial lumen narrows the arteries and reduces the elasticity of the wall.
  • Hypertension: A very high blood pressure comes along the way while finding the cause of erectile dysfunction in most men. Because hypertension often goes undiagnosed, it silently gives rise to other conditions along with sexual dysfunctions.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Hormones play a vital role in keeping normal sexual functions, if the hormones are disturbed either released in greater amount or stop releasing, both alter the normal mechanism on which the body works. Hormonal imbalance often is related to drug overuse or mental stress. 
  • Obesity: Having a high level of blood cholesterol and body fats is hazardous to the overall well-being of an individual, disturbing homeostasis, circulation, metabolism, and functional activity levels.
  • Diabetes: A very high blood sugar over a prolonged duration have deteriorating effects on the circulation and metabolism of the body. This lead to erectile dysfunction as it disturbs the vascular and neurological system to a greater extent.
  • Spinal cord injury: A partial or complete transaction of the spinal cord lead to erectile dysfunction because the connection between the brain and the erectile organ is lost completely or partially, moreover the release of hormones and muscle relaxation contraction are compromised because of lack of signaling from the brain.
  • Addiction: Smoking or alcohol abuse greatly affects the nervous and cardiac system and is a cause of renal failure if not stopped. These addictions or drug abuse indirectly become the reason for erectile dysfunction.
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To understand how these factors cause erectile dysfunction, first, you need to learn how a normal erection takes place. Brain signals the smooth muscles of the penis and arterial walls to relax, an increase in blood flow to the penis occurs leading to a normal erection. But during erectile dysfunction, if the muscle relaxation and blood flow are reduced by any means, it results in erection failure. All of the above conditions are responsible for erectile dysfunction because these reduce the blood flow to the genitals. You may overcome Erectile Dysfunction by utilizing Cenforce 150.

How genes are responsible for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is not an obvious hereditary condition but the factors responsible for causing erectile dysfunction may run in families. If any one of your forefathers had erectile dysfunction it doesn’t mean that you will surely suffer from it, but if you have a family history of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular problems then you need to worry about your health. 

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Having a family history of the risk factors you still can make efforts to prevent the problem by lifestyle modifications and making healthy habits of exercising, healthy diet, and a regular medical checkup.

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