How You Can Use Your Social Media to Share Your Parent Resources

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Are the parents of your patients aware of all the resources you have for them? Your social media pages, such as Facebook or Instagram, can be a great tool to remind them of your practice’s resources that are available to them. With their busy schedules, parents are likely to have never seen or forgotten what is on your website. Daily, or even weekly, posts to remind them can help them access the best medical information to take care of their child.
As social media is becoming a standard form of communication, this is one of the quickest ways you can reach out to the parents of your patients. As more parents are on social media, they are bound to get their parenting information online as well. They are often more likely to see a post on your social media before they would see an update on your website. If you are offering a new service or have an office update, make sure to post about it on your social media. It might be helpful to parents going through something related at this moment, or could be helpful to parents browsing through your social media in the future.
Share Resources Often
Make sure to share helpful information and resources to your social media pages often. This way, your patients parents will view your social media as a reliable source to get information when they have a question. Links in your social media posts to your website can encourage them to visit your pages when a medical question about their child arises. Keeping your website updated as new articles and studies come out can make it easier for parents to stay in the loop. Most parents would rather get their medical information from their pediatrician rather than an article from an untrusted source on the internet.
Post Relevant Information
When deciding what to post on your social media, focus on what would be helpful to the parents of your patients. Posting relevant information, such as a vaccine schedule or parent resources, ensures that they stay engaged with your content. For example, if there is something you have seen a lot of patients dealing with recently, share an article that would be helpful to them. Make sure to post often so the parents continue to follow your pages.
Build a Better Relationship
Social media can be a useful tool to stay more connected with your patients. Sharing articles to help parents shows that you are a consistently supportive resource. This can allow them to feel closer to you in between their check-ups and possibly help them feel more comfortable asking questions during check-ups and visits. It can also remind them of all the services your office provides.
New Patients
What you post on social media is not only useful to current patients but to your potential, future patients as well. It’s important to clearly communicate the resources and services you offer to your patients on your website and social media. This way, potential patients that need your services are able to easily find you when they are searching for a provider online. For example, when someone searches for the best gynecologist based on what services they need, your office will come up if it’s a good match. Make sure to list specific services you offer on your website and social media pages. Someone searching for a specific laser treatment might search “Mona Lisa Touch New Jersey” when looking for a doctor who can perform that. It is important that these potential patients are able to find your site, especially today, as so many patients search for doctors online. This makes it even more important to have a strong online presence that attracts the patients that need your services.
With so many parents on social media today, staying active on social media and posting regularly can be one of the most important ways to stay connected to them. Your practice’s social media pages can be one of the quickest ways to get helpful information out to your patients’ families, and parents will appreciate access to the helpful resources that you have available to them.