How Valuable Are Amazon Web Services Certifications? Some FAQs - Writers Evoke
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How Valuable Are Amazon Web Services Certifications? Some FAQs

The surge of business and other organizations moving their operations and IT infrastructure to the cloud has significantly changed the dynamics of the IT industry. Cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services have become all-important. With Amazon Web Services having the largest share of the cloud computing market, it is not surprising to find many IT professionals trying to figure out whether certification is worth their time, effort, and money. Some frequently asked questions on the value of an Amazon Web Services certification:

Are Amazon Certifications worth the Effort?

Whether a particular certification is valuable to you or not will depend on your career goals. However, even if you keep aside other things, it is amply proven that an Amazon Web Services certification typically correlates to better career opportunities and more remuneration compared to those without similar qualifications. According to research, more than 80% of respondents said that they attributed their higher salaries to the cloud certification they had obtained. More than half also said that the certification had expanded their career choices. Another study found that the IT professionals Citrix and Red Hat/Linux certifications who had gained Amazon certifications got a salary boost of $12,000.

Are Amazon Cloud Certifications in Demand?

With the migration to the cloud becoming increasingly popular, the demand for IT professionals with cloud skills is facing a sharp increase. With aws having the lion’s share of the cloud computing market, it is natural that there is strong and sustained demand for Amazon certifications. According to studies, nothing less than 82% of recruiters find cloud certifications make applicant resumes more attractive, and 87% say they value certifications and experience more than university degrees. Experts say that there is a very high turnover rate for employees with cloud skills, which indicates strong market demand. This scenario indicates that there is not a better time to acquire an Amazon cloud certification. A CBRE report says that the median salary of an Amazon Certified Solutions Architect associate is $149,446, which is quite lucrative.

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Will an Amazon Certification Land You a Dream Job

Cloud proficiency is indeed something that many recruiters are looking at and Amazon certifications are there right at the top of the list of desirable qualifications. It also a correct observation that Amazon cloud-certified IT professionals are better placed than others to take advantage of lucrative career opportunities. However, it should be clearly understood that just because you have a cloud certification from Amazon that you will find a dream job. There are many other factors that prospective recruiters look at depending on their requirements and the responsibilities of the roles in question. However, it is indisputably true that armed with the certification, your chances of getting an interview call will get a boost.


An Amazon cloud certification is immensely desirable and you will need to put in a lot of hard work and dedication, not only to acquire but to keep it valid with the recertification required every two years. If you want to build a fulfilling career, Amazon certifications should not be your ultimate objective, you need to use them as a means to build your skills.

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