How Using a Signal Booster than Help Your Productivity - Writers Evoke

How Using a Signal Booster than Help Your Productivity

Signal Booster than Help Your Productivity

We’ve all been in this situation before: you finally get that phone call back on that job you have been waiting by the phone to hear back from. The recruiter on the other end of the line is talking to you, asking about your experience and what you can bring to the table for the company. You eagerly give a long, prepared speech about your experience and how you have been primed and are a perfect fit for this role. You finish your speech. Only to hear nothing but static on the other end of the line. Finally, through broken speech – the recruiter tells you the phone call is cutting out and that they missed the majority of what you had said. Then the call drops. While this is no one’s fault – it did not give you the best foot forward you were hoping for. Instead, your first impression was a dead phone line, not a convincing anecdote about your experience. All of this drama and stress could have been avoided if you were using a cell signal booster in your home. 

A signal booster (also known as a signal repeater)  is a relatively simple, but effective device. It consists of three main elements – exterior antenna, amplifier, and interior antenna. Each of these elements work together to boost cellular signals and increase connectivity. How it works is this:

Initially , a cell phone reception is captured by the outside antenna that is installed either in an attic or outside attached to a roof. Ideally, the lte antenna is facing the closest cell tower. The signal reception is then amplified by the signal booster and broadcasted across the office building, car, or home through the inside antenna. The end result is a boosted cell phone reception that results in more bars in your cell phone, even if you are in the middle of nowhere and far away from the nearest cell tower. 

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There are many benefits to having a signal booster installed to help with your productivity. We’re going to break down a few of our favorite reasons and why. 

Boost Cell Phone Signal 

This one seems obvious but it is the biggest reason why people buy signal boosters. These days, our cell phones might as well be surgically attached to our hands. We use them for just about everything, from ordering groceries to handling finances, socializing with friends and – of course – handling business at work. However, our smartphones might as well be glorified gaming devices without a good cell signal. This is where a signal booster comes in. No more dropped calls like our unfortunate job candidate friend. No more slow load times or browser crashing. Instead, you can enjoy uninterrupted internet and cell signal for your entire family without worry. 

Work From Home Capabilities 

If you are like the growing number of Americans who are now working from home almost exclusively, making sure your connectivity devices, such as your cradlepoint router, are absolutely essential to ensuring that you can productively get your work done during the day. Especially with so many people relying on video chat platforms like Zoom and Google Meets, your internet connection must be rock solid to withstand the amount of usage it is getting. 

Longer Battery Life

It’s simple, with your devices not having to work as hard to transfer data back and forth, it can save your devices a ton of battery life and elongate your device’s rechargeable battery life cycle in the long run since it does not need to go through so many charge cycles so quickly. 

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Simple To Install & Easy to Maintain

Last but not least, signal boosters are relatively easy to install and do not require a lot of hard skills to maintain. 

If you are considering getting a signal booster for your home, do not hesitate to do so! It can make your home or office space run so much faster and more efficiently – saving you from lots of headaches and keeping you in the loop with whatever your working on.

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