How to Use Infographics in Your Content Marketing - Writers Evoke
Content Marketing

How to Use Infographics in Your Content Marketing

An effective content marketing plan includes many different elements and segments. Infographics, as visual representations of essential parts of your content, are crucial nowadays. You need to continually think of ways to win the target audience’s attention, and infographics are a small detail that has the power to make a huge difference. Therefore, let’s see why and when it is good to use infographics, and also, how to use it in your content marketing.

For which purposes you should use infographics

Visual content is more powerful in grabbing people’s attention. Infographics, as one of the most powerful tools of visual content, are attractive and eye-catching. Also, it makes your content much easier to understand for people who are not entirely familiar with your subject. Once you start using infographics continually in your blog posts, social media content, emails, etc., you will increase traffic and boost your brand awareness. On top of that, such content will have much more potential to go viral. As a result, you will increase the number of subscribers and followers on your website and social media channels. In the end, presenting your content with infographics will position you as an expert within a subject matter and your business niche.

Pick a core message of your infographic

First of all, to create a compelling infographic, you need to place a clear message that explains the story of your infographic. Data and information you want to use in the infographic should back up your message with straight facts. Therefore, before you start creating the infographic, you have to define what you want to communicate to your audience. The message, whether it is about your company’s achievement or the positioning of your products on the market, has to be transparent and entirely based on facts. Creating an infographic story with such an approach will lead readers to the right conclusion – the one that you already defined before making your infographic.

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Creative infographic design and illustrations

You won’t achieve anything just by placing bar diagrams and charts. Even though you can show all the information in such a simple way, it is still old-fashioned, and it can’t satisfy modern readers and customers. People pay more and more attention to visual representations, and therefore, you should always think of the most creative ways of showing your data visually. Also, if you want to hire somebody else to do this job for you, always ask them to show examples of their work, so you can see if they are creative enough to fulfill your requirements. Nowadays, there are agencies and startups such as Infostarters that can deliver high-quality infographics, brochures, and icons with all essential visual details. Modern business requires you to have creative infographics. And it is not only because it looks better – it is the only way to satisfy your readers nowadays truly.

Make it interactive and create comparisons

The marketing goal of every business is to engage its customers. The same applies to infographics – whenever it is possible, try to implement interactive additions to your infographic to make it more interesting. One of the most effective ways is to add comparative data, instead of going for similar information in every chart. However, to pick the right comparisons, you need to do your research. You can either compare the information within your industry or import some other data that currently fits your context.

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Credit every source of information

The credibility of your data and information is super important. You can’t expect people to believe you unless you mention every single source of information. Of course, it is best when you have your own sources. But, usually, to make an excellent infographic with a lot of small details, you’ll need to import the information from other credible sources. In that case, it is crucial to cite where you obtain the information from and mention the source. First of all, such an approach is ethical, and second, you will grow in the eyes of your readers and customers as a trustworthy content creator.

Share your infographics on social media channels

Social media channels are ideal for distributing infographics. Instagram, as an image-sharing platform, is the most perfect of them all. However, since infographics could be quite huge, you can’t post it all at the same time. Therefore, the best strategy is to divide your infographic into segments and promote each of them individually. Post them during different times of the day and create engagement. But, there is one more segment when it comes to Instagram, and other social media channels – every post that includes infographic parts needs insightful and creative captions. Otherwise, many of your followers will not understand the entire meaning of your infographic.

Infographics give you the ability to summarize your content and present it visually. To create an outstanding infographic, you need to define the story and message, use relevant data and information, and be very creative. In the end, don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you need it.

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