7 Unique New Year’s Resolutions For Better Health In 2020

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Putting your health first in the new year is something that affects your entire lifestyle. Sure, it does that but it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your wellbeing. When your health runs in abundance you’re able to do many things. Therefore, keeping yourself healthy in the New Year means that you’ll also be happy.
When you decide to prioritize your health you also pledge to take care of the trinity – body, mind and soul. The easiest way to commit to this resolution is to break it down into smaller decisions. Here’s a list of unique ones that will give you the boost you need.
Do a regular health checkup
Better health starts with a regular health checkup. Some check-ups you can do annually, some biannually while there are also those you are recommended to do every six months. These also depend on your age. If you are under thirty you should do a full body checkup every two or even three years. If you are between thirty and forty, you should go to the doctors annually.
Anyone older than 40 will probably do additional checkups as a precaution because screenings become important due to their age. The only checkup that does not depend on the age is a dental checkup. One should go to the dentist every six months to prevent tooth decay and treat cavities.
Take up journaling for better mental health
Journalling allows you to track your personal growth over one year. If you start jotting down your thoughts now, you’ll be able to analyze the positive effects of journaling in just a year. This useful technique is one of the self-care tools for better mental health. It requires a journal a pen and a cozy nook to crawl in and write down your thoughts, experiences, letters to yourself, positive and negative emotions. Begin by writing down one positive and one negative thing that happened in a day. If something negative took place, write down your reaction. Also, analyze your reaction and write down a more suitable one. This way, you’ll remember this next time it happens and act differently.
Meal prep to avoid cravings
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. It is doable but it won’t happen overnight. If only there was a magic pill that can erase these 20 pounds so I can feel good about myself. Unfortunately, wishful thinking will get you so far. The key here is to stop wishing and start doing more.
Your physical, mental and emotional health will improve once you incorporate healthy eating habits for real this time.
Meal prep is the best way to control your cravings and finally reduce and maintain your weight. You can even turn a meal prep into a whole family affair so you’ll also have a support system. Support system is essential along the healthy eating road.
When you finally decide to go down this road, youćll be healthier, happier, energized and you’ll boost your overall wellbeing.
Do grocery shopping on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon so you’ll have fresh groceries you can mix. Meal prep on a Sunday for the whole week if you can. This will curb any cravings and stop you from heading down the street to the nearest fast food joint. Commit to healthy eating 80% of your time so you can allow yourself 20% of eating something that makes your heart flutter.
Don’t wish for a better body, work for it
Another common resolution is about being fit and having a stronger body. This either won’t happen until you finally start exercising. But, in order to make this habit stick and last, you have to pick something you’ll enjoy.
Fitness is fun and it never gets boring if you choose the right activity for you. Find a local fitness center that is near your house or somewhere between your work and home. This way you’ll be able to hit the gym in the morning before work. If you are not a morning person, you can squeeze the workout right after work.
If you struggle with motivation to exercise regularly, going to the gym right after work can help. If you go straight home, you’ll easily use it as an excuse to stay home and skip your workout.
Take up one healthy activity as a family
Finding an activity that includes the entire family can strengthen their bonds and also be a source of fun. Above all this, they can find an activity that combines both and also improves their health. Cycling is both fun and improves physical health. Children learn from their parents so parents can lead by their example. Parents can ride an e bike to work and teach their kids to love using bikes to commute daily. Cycling improves general fitness, cardiovascular health and improves the mood. Teach your kids to ride a bike from an early age so you can enjoy this activity together. You also check out https://outdoorlabwithj.com/ to learn more about the health benefits of cycling.
Work on your sleeping pattern
The amount of energy in a day depends on your diet, hydration and regular sleep routine. You have to wake up at the same time every morning and go to sleep at the same time in the evenings. This is what a healthy sleeping routine depends on. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If for some reason you feel tired during the day, take a 20 minute power nap.
It is not enough to just maintain a healthy sleeping routine during the weekdays and go wild during the weekend. This will just disrupt your sleep schedule. For the best results, you should wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. This includes the weekends, too. Sleep regulates our body, helps it function, heal, rest and recharge.
Improve your mental well-being with mediation
Being still for at least ten minutes every day can help eliminate pent up stress. This is the main reason to practice meditation daily and improve your wellbeing. If you don’t feel like sitting on the floor, you can meditate while sitting in your armchair. Just focus on your breathing and clear out your thoughts. With each deep breath and slow exhale you rid your body of any negative emotion and practice stillness and achieve inner balance. Add this into your daily routine and you’ll improve your life for the better.
Quit at least one bad habit
Smoking, drinking, too much caffeine, junk food or comfort food are among those bad habits. Ditching at least one can make a great impact on the quality of life. When the quality of life improves, so does your health. Some of these habits can be ditched for good. Others should be consumed in moderation. So, make your choice today and you’ll quickly notice how your energy changes.
Have social media detox days
The time you spend on social media can have a negative effect on your mental health. The constant FOMO should be eliminated and JOMO should be adopted. People truly experience JOMO or the joy of missing when they limit the time spent on social media. Allow yourself ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the late afternoon. Also, aim to have at least one off-grid day during the week when you stay completely off social media. After a while, you’ll see how you have more time to do things you enjoy.
Make a date with a self-care activity
We’re so focused on chasing our goals, making the best career moves or striving to get that bonus that we completely forget to take care of ourselves. Taking care of your emotional state can also benefit your health. This is where scheduled self-care comes in. Commit to at least 30 minutes every day. Make it an hour whenever your daily activities allow it. Whereas, the weekends are ideal for spending time with friends, having date nights and other couples’ activities. Commit to yourself and use self-care dates to fight off depression, anxiety, and stress.
Stop and play
Playtime is important as well. People who find the time to let their inner child out to play are happier and healthier than those who work 24/7. When you are committed to one thing only, either your job or a side business, you put a lot of pressure on yourself. Pressure leads to stress, while stress further causes burnout. When burnout strikes, the first thing that suffers is your health. To avoid this, one must find the time for a fun activity. It can be something you do on a Friday night with friends or something you do on your own. Either way, those who find the time to play are happier, healthier and more positive.
In conclusion
Now that you have all the knowledge you need to improve your health this year, focus on the how. Your main goal is to make these habits stick. These unique resolutions must become part of your lifestyle for long term health benefits. So, take one step at a time and be consistent.