How to Make Notes for the UPSC Preparation? | UPSC Preparation

How to Make Notes for the UPSC Preparation?

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How to Make Notes for the UPSC Preparation

Make Notes for the UPSC Preparation

Make Notes for the UPSC Preparation. The syllabus of the UPSC exam is vast. Nobody can complete and revise the syllabus in a few months because it takes efforts and hard work of at least 12 months. Keeping in mind the vastness and depth of the UPSC Syllabus, IAS aspirants need to keep the notes for daily briefing and timely revision.

So, notes are an important part of UPSC preparation. Every IAS topper makes notes and keeps a record of everything he/she has studied. The handwritten notes are more valuable than the study material available in the market as you make notes according to your own needs.

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Best coaching in Delhi provides hand-written notes of the IAS-toppers to their students. They even guide them throughout the UPSC recruitment process.

Here are some tips on how to make effective notes during your UPSC preparation

  • Bullet points: Nobody is going to read a longish paragraph when they have to revise the whole syllabus before the exam, not even you. So, there’s no point in writing paragraphs. Make your notes in bullet points as they are easy to remember.
  • Only important things: Keep dates, names, facts and figures in the notes, no background story. If you want to remember important things from your textbooks then you have to be very particular about the information you want to include in the notes. Keep it short and simple.
  • Read the textbooks: Don’t start making notes immediately after reading the textbooks. Underline or highlight important lines from the textbooks first and then a second time, make notes. Making notes is time-consuming but it worth your time. You can read your notes after completing every topic and feel satisfied with your preparation.
  • Use Flashcards/ sticky notes: For a reminder, keep flashcards of important days and dates. If you are finding difficulty in remembering a topic or any important detail then sticky notes can help you out. Paste sticky notes on your wall and read the content every morning. You can also use flashcards and keep along with your notes.
  • Update your notes: Keep sufficient space to update your notes. Data on current affairs or polity changes every time. It’s better to leave enough space so that you can update the notes any time you want. Use your phones to keep digital notes. These are handy and you can revise these anywhere you want. Take help from the IAS coaching for the UPSC preparation.
  • Take help from your friend: If you do group study then divide the notes making task. Some should cover a few chapters of the subject and others should pick different chapters of the subjects. It always easy when you get help from your friend and this way you can save a day or a few. So, go for group study and make notes together. Just keep one thing in mind—you and your friend shouldn’t have a different notes-making style or just find a solution for it.
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Final Talk

Notes are very useful at the time of the last moment and daily revisions. It can save your precious time and energy. Also, it can help to keep information in order both in the mind and the notebook.

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