Symptoms of Six Months Pregnant - Writers Evoke

Symptoms of Six Months Pregnant

At six months pregnant, you are at the end of your second trimester and usually have a few more weeks before your belly gets so big that your energy levels drop. 

Monthly Pregnancy Symptoms: Six Months Pregnant


Six Months Pregnant

You may experience the following pregnancy symptoms around month six. Although you may not get them all, they are normal and part of being pregnant. 

  • Heartburn
  • Swollen hands, feet or face 
  • Feeling shaky 
  • Itchy skin around stomach, breasts, buttocks and thighs 
  • Backache 
  • Constipation 
  • Indigestion 
  • More appetite 
  • Snoring 
  • Dizziness 
  • Insomnia 
  • Varicose veins 
  • Leg cramps 

Six Months Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

Your baby’s development: Your baby’s eyelids are opening this month and he will start to respond more to loud noises. His taste buds can now also distinguish the different flavors of your food through the amniotic fluid, so your baby may be more active after you eat spicy foods. You can hear your baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope and your partner can even pick up this fast beat if he or she presses an ear against your stomach. 

Changes in your body: As your baby grows steadily, you gain the necessary pounds. By the sixth month, this will reduce the amount of time you can be on your feet, so put your feet up wherever and whenever you can. Your stomach can also make it more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position; support yourself with enough pillows. A moisturizing ointment can help with itchy skin.

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You may also suffer from swollen feet, ankles, hands and face – contact your doctor or midwife immediately if this swelling suddenly starts to develop or gets worse. 

Creative and productive 

Use this time to get everything in order. Make a checklist of gifts you would like to have, help organize your baby shower , decorate the nursery and think about baby names . You can also do some shopping for the first months, such as clothes, a pram and enough diapers . 

Make your house and car child safe 

Once your baby arrives, you have much less time for extra chores. Use this month to learn how to baby-proof your home starting with a safe nursery. Before you know it, your little one will crawl, so be sure to check out stair gates and child-resistant closures for cupboards and doors. Move dangerous objects higher or out of sight and fasten cabinets and drawers to the wall. 

It is also important to make your car child safe. Get a car seat for the right age and get professional help with installation so that everything is ready when your baby takes her first ride. 

Sixth month pregnant: checklist

Symptoms of Six Months Pregnant
  • Think about your birth plan: Talk to your doctor or midwife about a birth plan. You cannot plan everything (especially in an emergency or emergency), but it helps to think in advance about how you want the delivery to go. In a birth plan you describe in which position you want to give birth, whether or not you want painkillers, how you make yourself comfortable (such as playing certain music) and what you want to do once the baby is born (for example, who should have the umbilical cord cut). 
  • Baby shower : When you are six months pregnant, a friend or family member may start preparing a baby shower to celebrate the arrival of the baby. You can only give gifts, but also games where the guests help with making up baby names. During this party you can also reveal in a fun way whether you are expecting a boy or a girl.
  • Read all about the delivery: Even if you took prenatal courses, you may still have questions about the delivery and everything around it. Read enough and talk to other mothers about their experiences. 
  • Rest & relax: You have plenty to do, so make sure you get enough rest too!
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