How to Identify a Toxic Friend

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Toxic people are like a weed which destroys a good crop as well. We find them everywhere and it is important to be careful of them before you get stuck with them and end up wasting your time in negativity. There are some ways to identify a toxic person. How to Identify a Toxic Friend.
Toxic people can be in a friendship as well as in a relationship. Either case it is better to stay away from them. There are always early signs which indicate that you should stop keeping such people in your life. We have made a list of all the ways which signify that the person is toxic and not a good addition in your life.
How to Identify a Toxic Friend
1. They are not happy for you
Instead, they give you signs that they are jealous of the things that you have achieved. There is no sign of being happy for you and they start comparing themselves with you.
2. They have no qualms spreading rumors about you
You keep getting news from others that they are saying things about you. At first, you ignore but this gets frequent and you are left wondering why are they doing this to you.
Plus, they can’t keep a secret.
3. Take credit for your effort
A good friend always wants to see you grow and excel. A toxic person sucks out all the positivity from your life and doesn’t credit you for your effort. They take all the credit in front of others.
4. They make you feel small
These kinds of people are often found criticizing others and are incapable of support. They criticize others in front of you and you in front of others. They will also won’t shy away from bashing you behind your back.
Beware of these people and cut all ties with them.
5. Attention-seeking and self-centered
Toxic people don’t have time for others. Their life revolves around themselves. They don’t put an effort to understand others and even when you are down they find a way to make it about them. They will never offer a helping hand and when you need them most they are not available.
6. They will judge
Everyone has a right to live their life the way they like and has freedom of speech and expression. But you constantly worry that if you say what you think then they will judge you.
They will question your abilities and make you doubt your self. You are more worried about what others will say rather than focusing on the actual problem. You are conscious all the time around them and don’t feel like yourself.
This kind of environment can really have an bad effect on your personality. Not only you lose your confidence you are always doubting yourself.
7. They never apologize
Even if they know that what they did was wrong and totally their fault. They find it very hard to come clean and apologize. Sorry is a word which is far away from their vocabulary.
This shows how narrow-minded some people are and you are better of without them.
8. They are pessimistic
They drain out every last drop of energy and positivity within you fill your head with negative thoughts and pessimism.
Toxic people are never encouraging, rather they focus on the probabilities which result in negative impact.
9. They keep asking you to change
Negative people have a habit of molding everything which suits them and benefits them in a way. They try to change you and keep highlighting your weaknesses instead of appreciating your good qualities.
They push you to behave in a certain way which is wrong.
Our personality is what makes us unique. It is okay to improve yourself by eliminating bad habits but to change your personality is another thing. It needs to be mutual and they should accept who you are.
10. Make fun of you
They make fun of you in front of others or your common friends. Little bit leg-pulling is justified and is considered to be in good fun. But, they attack you personally in front of others. They use your personal things to make you feel insecure.
Now that you know all the signs to look out for, we hope that you make better choices and better friends.