Are You a Candidate for an Orthokeratology Procedure? - Writers Evoke

Are You a Candidate for an Orthokeratology Procedure?

Orthokeratology Procedure
Orthokeratology Procedure

Wearing lenses that can help reverse myopia and slow down its progression may sound like a dream. But the dream is now a reality. Orthokeratology is not new. But these lenses are only making headway in recent decades.

Right now, technology is taking off. This success can be attributed to the advancements and precision of technology. These new-age devices make it effortless to create 3-D models of the eye surface. Another factor that boosted the technology is the improved polymer material to make contact lenses more permeable. But it is the potential benefits of the treatment that will probably interest many. The following are reasons you must consider ortho-k in Sydney to correct your vision problems. 

What percentage of Australians are vision impaired?

Many Australians self-report they are vision impaired. This data is according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Fifty-five per cent of the total population, which corresponds to 13 million Australians, have one or more long-term vision or visual impairments.

Myopia management

Ortho-k in Sydney lenses can be utilized to slow down the progression of myopia in young patients. The surface of the eye is mapped, and the information is used to make custom lenses. Several studies have shown that this method effectively slows down myopia progression by preventing the eye from growing.

Sydneysiders, like the rest of Australia, need glasses. More than half of Australians at 54% self-report they have at least one long-term eye health condition. According to data from the AIHW or Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, nearly half of the population are wearing glasses or contact lenses. For Sydneysiders who want to correct their vision, they might want to opt for an orthokeratology procedure.

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The method is suitable for anyone

Many people with mild to moderate myopia are excellent candidates for orthokeratology. They can switch Ortho-K lenses from the moment they experience myopia. There are no age limits to this treatment.

With orthokeratology, small active children can play outdoors without fear of breaking fragile glasses or losing their contact lenses. Adults who play contact sports do not have to worry about obtrusive glasses. This treatment is also recommended for those who work in dusty environments or spend hours in front of a computer screen. Also, these lenses are helpful for people suffering from dry eyes.

Help for astigmatism

Ortho-K lenses is a treatment used as a temporary solution for myopia. But it is also helpful for patients with astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia. But the type and amount of vision error that orthokeratology lenses can effectively manage vary on a case by case basis. Only people with severe forms of these eye conditions may experience huge benefits.

Superb comfort

If you wear contacts for the first time, your eye doctor will assist and instruct you on how to remove and care for the contact lenses. Ortho-K lenses can be easily applied and removed. It is typically worn at night while sleeping. Once you take them off in the morning, you will enjoy clear vision all day. The care and maintenance for contact lenses apply to Ortho-K lenses as well. It is crucial to care for these lenses properly to avoid the risk of infection and other issues.

Sydney residents suffering from vision problems might want to get themselves tested to see if they can benefit from orthokeratology treatment. Medicare Australia subsidizes eye tests provided by optometrists for all permanent residents of Australia. If your optometrist bills the government on your behalf, you won’t have to pay anything for the consultation.

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Alison Lurie

Alison Lurie is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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